
The OG journalism of Jackson, Harriot, and Damon Young have no place in the current The Root.

Well if they asked the FBI they would have received a response regarding Federal law, and they would need some sort of connection to Federal jurisdiction for it to be a Federal crime. This wasn’t an action by a State government official attacking Pickett, and it doesn’t seem to involve interstate commerce, so there

The USA is racist to the core; the ethic discrimination is literally written into the Constitution.

We now know who he is: Aaren, a 16-year-old teen, happened to be a colleague of the Black bodyguard who was attacked by white boaters.

They could’ve simply included Jan 6th Riot video and avoided the mess.

1) Tucker is a White Supremist, I wonder if they talked about that. 

What is this new generation of “BITCH BABIES”? And what makes it even worse is, these guys are YOUNG! He has a lot of damn nerve referring to this lovely young starlet as a “bitch” PERIOD. Who the hell is he ANYWAY!!??

Challenge coins are a military thing and have absolutely no place in a police force which is supposed to be comprised of peace officers. This racist asshole pig is not a peace officer and sees fellow citizens as an enemy to be subdued and destroyed. Fire him.

He also made some ageist and sexist remarks about Traci Ellis Ross.  He needs to sit all the way down . He is not an adult, a secure adult would have this conversation with the girlfriend whose HOUSE HE LIVES IN  when she returned home.  I hope that when she returns  she ends this relationship and lets him be free to

“Fuck all the way off.”

I really do hate this generational war that the Boomers started. No one cared about any of this until the “Greatest Generation” got that humble little title. Then it became Boomers v. Gen X and Gen X v. Millenials, meanwhile completely ignoring a missing generation between the X and Millenials. I can’t understand why

If you work under the yoke of an “at will” state, I have no problem with people quiet-quitting or ghosting.

Hahaha, the gray zombies got here very early.

A child shouldn’t have to endure racist abuse, a form of violence. Period. Twisted sick minds: Excuse this egregious, savage behavior & label the survivorsvictims”. Dismiss the trauma by saying dumb shit like “it’s just words, get over it”. Further the uncivilized, inhumane acts by acting as if calling it out is

“all money ain’t good money....”

Do they not do background checks before hiring a motherfucker? Because a basic search of his social media should have caught this.

It’s ‘fascinating’ how the only kind of people who care about another person’s sexuality are the kind of people who only care because they want a reason to hate someone they don’t know, and should stop being a horrible person instead or, at the very least, fuck right the hell off.

Just dismiss their pathetic replies and move on. Literally the only thing they crave is a miniscule iota of your attention. Dismiss and go away, anyone so pathetic as to continually reply in grey comments is just hoping to trigger you in any way shape or form

That’s some serious bullshit. If you think the crime is worth TWENTY YEARS of probation, but not jail time, you have a fucked-up mind. Or, you’re just stretching as far as you can to protect whiteness. 

Let me get this straight, a state which has basically zero standards for gun ownership or carry permits knew to charge someone for murder because they shot someone in the back; but when a cop, who presumably has more training and ought to know better, does the same they think it’s just another day ending in -y.