
Burn it down and start anew from the ashes. American policing is fermented dogshit and there’s no redeeming it. Find those countries that manage not to shoot a bunch of people every year, who actually deescalate, and use them to rebuild something here.

Look, I get the idea of making Juneteenth a thing that ALL people should celebrate. Everyone should celebrate the end of slavery just like everyone should celebrate MLK Day.

Why is it that making people uncomfortable is the goal when focusing on white women as victims but it’s verboten when focusing them as perpetrators?

Except he wasn’t threatening anyone (except possibly himself) and you can see someone is a violent criminal by looking at them? How?

I’m sorry, are you under the impression that the right actually values Black lives?

These motherfuckers stay looking for ways to be out and out racist and the idiots in the grays will continue to defend their fuckery.

Not only that, I took the push for diversity as a push to give people who have been locked out of Hollywood for whatever reason a chance/a job. I mean, if there’s a role out there for a disabled actor, why wouldn’t you give it to a disabled actor who’s good. I’m not saying just give it to any old disabled person,

Daniel never intended to harm Mr. Neely and could not have foreseen his untimely death.

We hope that out of this awful tragedy will come a new commitment by our elected officials to address the mental health crisis on our streets and subways.”

The issue with qualified immunity is that its existence is based upon a SCOTUS decision, in other words, a legal doctrine. It has been expanded since its first inception and not for the better. It does not have a Constitutional basis nor is it truly Congressional law.

Let’s be honest — Republicans politicians and their billionaire owners want voters to fear *everything*. If they could convince voters to fear breathing, they would. They look for any and every excuse they can find to incite fear, anger, and violence. It’s been their SOP for over a century. Because fearful, angry, and

You have to remember that these are largely a bunch of bullies who’ve spent the evening hyping themselves up getting ready to bust down someone’s door and drag them through the street. Not only were they not interested in letting him get dressed (public humiliation is a feature, not a bug), but they would have loved

He wasn’t “scared to death,” he saw an opportunity to shoot a Black person and took it. And if Yarl hadn’t survived, the story would be about how it was such a tragedy but oh well let’s move on. But Yarl survived, his side of the story gets to get told, and this absolutely racist bigoted fuckwad just MIGHT see some

The grift is everything. Look at Clarence Thomas. Supreme court Justice but he’s still just some billionaire Nazi stan’s house nigger. These fuckers don’t care who they crush, they will flog the white supremacy as log as long as the grift keeps being good for them.

Somewhere in Madison, Wisconsin, a black guy who met this dude once during an HR meeting is about to find himself suddenly elevated to “a good friend.”

Even when she’s insulted in front of the whole world by the First Lady, she can’t get too upset at having her accomplishments devalued... Angel Reese and her LSU teammates deserve to celebrate and enjoy their National Championship without all this unnecessary discourse surrounding it.

She did know the tradition. She said so right in her statement what the tradition is. And you don’t need to be a sports fan to know what happens in the White House when you’ve been the second lady for two terms and the first for one more.

As one Black man said, “That’s what White people do, when they lose, they just create new rules and shit.”

Perhaps you’d try Googling the damn exhibit before coming up in here defending some loud, wrong, obnoxious white woman laughing all loud in a space meant to be quiet.

Given how often school security fails (in school shootings) not necessarily a good return on money. Unless harassing students is the goal (they are quite good at that).