
“...I was actually planning a road trip through Africa before this happened.”


Excuse my language. We’ve been fucked for decades. The horrible education system is where some of it stems from. Keep these kids dumb, stupid and not to think cognitively, absolute recipe for disaster and mind control.

Why do you guys keep giving them a platform and entertaining them?  I’ve been around for years and it just boggles my mind.  Headed back to The Root.  We don’t tolerate this BS there.  

I’ve been meaning to tell you, thank you for bringing receipts.  So appreciated.

NO.  It’s not cancel culture, it’s consequence culture.  They refuse to take responsibility, as always.  

From my reading and understanding, this trial is only, only about self-defense. That this degenerate felt under attack. We all know the circumstances and why he was there and who dropped him off.  I just can’t...

Was listening in glee until they referred to women as bitches.  I am not here for that AT ALL!  

Any word about him stepping up the wig game when it comes to BW?

Shit like this pisses me off. You do not mess with babies nor the elderly. Who in their right mind thought this was an OK thing do to?  Let that man rest.  Ghat dayum...

Luv, you just said it all.  TY.

Honest question. Why, as Black folks, would we even give a shit what the mayos say about us on defunct FB, or any place else for that matter? Why give them that power, when they are so undeserving?  They deserve NOTHING from us.  

JFC.  76 bullet wounds.  Typeless...

So awesome. Unfortunately, living in Amerikka, it will be a matter of minutes/hours before the mayos defame/destroy this.  Do that all you want.  You will never destroy our legacy.  You may bring the fire, yet we are forged from the fire.  

I’ve found, like most, how they are in high school, is the final product for their life. Sad, miserable, hateful, resentful...the list goes on.

Been 36 hours or so. This is exactly what he was talking about.  Let me just stop now.

I just watched this 10 minutes ago. Will someone else who has seen this, if they don’t mind taking the time, tell me what they found offensive?  

Bowie? Rodman? So many others were before him. *shrugs* I just don’t get the indignation. *logging off*

Looking forward to this. She and the Nerds have been missed.  Thank you.