
I know it is unkind to gloat, but I’m an Ohioan and GODDAMN does this feel good tonight. Republicans in Ohio have had their boots on the necks of us women for far to long, and it has been excruciating listening to their whinging for the past few months about how “extreme” and “radical” it is to ensure that women can

GQP donor is big mad about the violation of HIS ex-wife, but she’s cool with the leopards taking a few nibbles on her face as long as enough peoples get their faces bit worse.

“There is no return to sanity for the gop.”

She stated that she was concerned about her safety.

The way she acted, she could have suffered a much worse fate. These “karens” are always running up on nonwhite citizens with their foul, racist BS as if they have the right is insane. Every time they get busted acting an ass- they lie, cry and deny as if any of that erases their trespasses and transgressions. Just

I’m running around looking for my phone. 9-1-1 is being called, I see this girl recording me, so I grabbed it. But then I gave it back 5 minutes later.”

We are not going to let people be targeted based on their race.” He’s not talking about black people. He thinks white people are the ones who are the victims of racism.  He’s literally using the same language as he uses when describing his “anti-woke” law.

Those who can’t dance say the music is no good.”

Pastor Newman said, “I mistakenly forgot he was to be acknowledged, would not speak. So the fluke was I called him to go out and speak. It was not some kind of grandiose scheme. That was actually a mistake I made by misreading the program.”

Was that your response to the Montgomery Riverfront Brawl?  If not, what about this situation suddenly makes it “a great way to get shot” instead of a good thing?

It wasn’t foolishness when we were talking about the Montgomery Riverfront Brawl.  No one at all was saying it was foolish for folks to help defend that man.  So why exactly is it suddenly foolishness to ask why folks didn’t help this woman?  What is it about her that’s so different in your mind?

For all the “when the boomers dies, racism will be over” people, pay attention. The younguns are being trained up in the way their klanner fams go. Just like the generations before, aging like milk in the sun, they will carry the envy, hate & jealousy forth with violence and excuses. And for what?

Lol @ the greys “ He wasn’t even there that day!”

You think the “Told you so” aspect of a man of color being the one getting the longest sentence after taking sides with white supremacists has hit him yet, or will that happen the second month in prison?

“We are not going to let people be targeted based on their race”, says man who targets people based on their race...

Mazel to you crazy kids!!!

Chick-fil-a is owned and run by xtian-fascists. She is better off not working there and deserves a job at a safer place. There is nothing wrong with her hair. She needs to turn this experience in to a great college admission essay for a school not in the goddamn South.

I suspect he would not in fact have done the same.

Where is the mercy? Actual mercy would be not having tried her at all. The woman was a refugee in her own country (and they did in fact refer to people in NO as refugees at the time) and they’re acting as though she somehow deliberately wronged her son by not having enough supplies during a goddamn hurricane when

Not sure that Louisiana prosecutor would have done the same to a white mother in that exact same situation. 70% of the people put in prison for life in Louisiana are black, in a State with a population that is only 1/3 black. There is no question these prosecutorial decisions are impacted by at the very least implicit