
As per usual, the police find it oh so difficult to not use passive tense when it comes to shit they did. He just jumped on your truck right?

Sure, yeah, “Black guy randomly throws himself at a random vehicle that just so happens to be an off-duty cop.”

Please, people, do not shoot your guns into the air. I know it’s weird that I have to say this in 2022, but the bullets have to come down somewhere

*yawn*.. another day, another racist attack by a Karen..

I mean its sad that this is so common that it doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.

“I’ve had several months to reflect on a very challenging moment in my life.

This article is longer than his marriage.

The fact that she will never run up on the right one because she knows that would be her ass is reason enough to dismiss her but the fact that this cow is allowed to make laws in this country is a disgrace. I hope she runs her mouth on someone that ain’t afraid of jail time. She does all this shit on Twitter which

All religion is fake. Bless her stupid, hateful fucking heart. 

The problem, as usual, is that it held against us when we use Black vernacular. It’s not okay for us to speak our language until it’s approved, used, and profited by them. That’s nothing to embrace.

Those two things are not exclusive.

“Nya’s father, Taban Sigin, said his daughter has dealt with mental health issues in the past and he’s worried about her saying she’s struggled with anxiety and depression. The teen shared that she was hospitalized in May after attempting to end her own life.”

I’m happy to see kids organizing and making sense of this on a larger scale.

To DVDD’s point, I have been disappointed and disheartened this week about a number of personal issues and items in the public discourse (where were the deeper, Black-focused posts on the WI Christmas parade murderer? Or the Family Annihilator or the Atl Homemade Gun Killing?) and have not found information or solace

I’m reading The 1619 Project now, and there’s a precedent-setting case in GA (I believe) wherein a Black man with a white wife was being harassed by five white men at a bar. The Black man went to his car to get his gun, fearing what would happen when he would try to leave with his wife. On the way back into the bar,

Thank you for your stories and writing, we can’t miss you because we’re with you wherever the road leads you.

We, as a people, are too forgiving.

It’s the same “logic” that a certain segment of folk use in which they believe that just discussing racism is in and of itself....racist.

It’s worse than that. They are basically saying that white men can holster up with visible weaponry and you’re not allowed to see them as a threat and treat them accordingly. YET, a Black man with no weapon is seen as a threat by merely existing in the same space.

This was a warning. Basically white men have been given the right that if thye do not like you or your political beliefs they have now been given the right to end your life. The fact that he killed two white men and was set free should chill people to their fucking bones. Period. The sick part is to come, this piece

I’m neither surprised, nor in any possession of any hope for this fucking country.