
The GOP/conservatives are a murderous cult. Periodt.


Therapy records are confidential unless the person is a threat to themselves or someone else and even then you’re not just giving them all over willy nilly. Being a threat to the city’s wallet does not count as such a threat.

That t-shirt is EVERYTHING!

Because they think that white people are allowed to go policing any goddamn place they want and the people who live there are not allowed to consider them suspect, suspicious, or a threat.

Love that t-shirt.

Corrupt judge covering for corrupt cops. Did not see that coming. 

“Cancel culture” made a 17 year old secure a long rifle, cross state lines, and shoot other people in public.

It be your own people some time. Remember cable news ratings are in the tank since fat ass slithered out. These outlets became addicted to the chaos he brought after 8 years of “No Drama Obama” & they are desperate for anything to hang their pathetic hats on. Symone Sanders read these people on Sunday and it was a

Which is why Black people are STILL just talking the same sense as always, and white people continue to get stupider, angrier, more hateful, more ignorant, and just generally shittier.

‘Critical Race Theory’ was always just the fuel to get the fire going. Now polls say 40% of Republicans oppose teaching of any race history. At all. And that’s the 40% of Republicans who are willing to say it.

White Tears-

The most dangerous place for a black person to exist is within the imagination of white folks - D.L. Hughley 

I hope she regains her health.

And to think some dumbfuck elsewhere is under the impression that race isn’t this country’s biggest issue.

As we’re often “reminded” that there is no difference between the parties, it’s “odd” to see that Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Justice Kristen Clarke [1] is a Biden appointee, confirmed by the Dem Senate, 51-48 [2].

I will be extremely disappointed in Pelosi if she does nothing about this.

It’s a pretty sad state of affairs for a formerly civilized nation when their elected officials are literally indistinguishable from 14 year old 4chan edgelords trolling for the lulz.

That “Latino cat” was a doctor who found out she had Mexican laborers die on her land because she made them work though a hurricane and one man got killed and robbed. I think he had reasons to leave her, and it was not a fade out.