
No more to add as my happy ass moves along...

To all those in this administration:


What an amazing and inspirational young girl.  Young woman, no.  She’s this amazing young, Black girl trying to effectuate change.  100% support and looking what I can do to help.  Thank you, Tonja.

I read about this earlier. From my understanding, it was his sister who posted the vid. Apparently, my opinions are summed up in gif form as of late, cause I just can’t:

They think they’re slick.

You are such a natural beauty with a great spirit. How have I overlooked these videos before?   *looks around for subscribe button*

Get outta my head!

All of this faux outrage, I’ve no time for. There is no reasoning with these folks. PeriodT. My people have and are constantly hunted and killed merely for existing. I’ve got bigger fish to fry than some dayum ride at a proven, historically racist Disney world.   

I just can’t...

Hollerin’! Madam, I need you to log off now.

Gotcha.  Thanks for clarifying.

“But he can acknowledge, as opposed to Candice Owens, that racism exists. I guess that’s something.”

Just breaking.  All ATL cops to receive $500.00 bonus:  
