
For purely selfish reasons, I hope he doesn’t play again. Quite frankly, he’s bigger than the NFL now. I hope he’s offered positions on a few boards. His would be a great voice to have in the room.  If he does return, no matter how he performs, it’ll be a lose-lose situation for him.  Too many are looking to crucify

Black owned if you’re so inclined:  

Yes, I saw his photo. Most unfortunate.

Wayment. I do believe this is the same Amy Cooper who was doxxed, correct? Is she the one who paid her married lover 65K to help fund his divorce? Allegedly. The same Amy Cooper who also provided said lover with additional monies so his other side piece could get an abortion? Allegedly. Rehabilitation? REALLY??

Talcum X really needs to STFU!

Luv, you cannot reason with the unreasonable. PeriodT. Seriously. We need to save and protect our sanity first and foremost. The fight for our basic survival does not ebb nor flow with these reprobates. For me and mine, we’ve got bigger fish to fry than, than, well, these basement dwellers who are trying to deflect.

No, no, no. Please stop espousing the narrative that racism is a mental illness. It is not! When you do that, it removes accountability. Racists must always be held accountable.  Period.

TY.  And that’s where they’ll stay! *maniacal laugh*

This is getting a lot of use lately...


Let alone the wypipo that are out of the grays (for whatever reason), trying to whitesplain some shit to us BLACK folks, on a BLACK website. GTFOH!! Ghat dayum the entitlement knows no bounds.

And now Mr. Cooper is coming to her defense.  I just can’t...

As long as they don’t bring back Grace’s son with those struggle braids, I’m in. They could also do away with Charity (is that her name?). She needs to move on to a Tyler Perry joint, since she has zero acting skills. Seeing her on screen just irks my spirit.

Just had a house built in a new sub.  White folks are nosy as hell and know no boundaries.  

Sigh.  Coons gonna opporcoon!

He really showed his opporcoonistic ass with this. He can go straight to hell!

The difference: they can just live and go about their mediocre lives. Us Black folks, we have to SURVIVE whites. SURVIVE them! As history has proven, not an easy feat, but ghat dammit we rise at every occasion.

Luv - nothing but absolute support for you and yours.  YES!!