
There’s nothing to wait for.

No.  It DOESN’T matter if “she knew”, harassment is NEVER ok.  This is what you people need to get through your heads.  There is no situation where harassment is ever ok.  

But if she KNEW about all of this before being hired, and still took the job anyway? Then she’s a scab, and rough treatment comes with the territory.

He literally said it correctly in a video he posted the day before, as the article says. Don’t comment on things you didn’t actually read.

My previous cat clearly had Maine Coon blood, and he was the most gentle soul that ever lived. I miss him thoroughly. 

Artyom would be proud of his creator.

People are weird. If you’re having fun playing your game, you’re doing it right.

Always fun when people recreate their own spaces..I once built my bedroom in Quake, with a floor that slided open to reveal a lava pit.. Took pics of the carpet for texture lol

Should someone do those things to you if they disagree with your stance on an important issue? Difference of opinion does not mean hate. I have family members on both sides of the debate. The pro life side genuinely sees it as murder and thier religious beliefs drive them to fight against that. I’m not religious and I

I think one of the graces of Dark Souls is that you don’t have to dig into the story unless you want to. Nobody’s holding a gun to your head expecting you to dive down the wiki wormhole.

After playing through “It Takes Two” and constantly having godawful cutscenes and terrible constant dialogue shoved down my throat for extended periods in between short segments of fantastic gameplay, I welcome the Fromsoft approach of being almost pure gameplay with the story being something that you don’t have to

Right and when it’s in motion and you are flying around the track trying to avoid shells etc. the odds that you are gonna be like “damn, the texture on this mountain really kills the fun I’m having” is probably what? 1%?

It’s funny how often the “every game should be for everyone” apostles fail to see the flaw in their reasoning when they instantly make an amalgamation between a community and its toxic vocal minority.

I’m sorry that you have to write about this middle school shit.

It’s a derivative work with a specific aesthetic. Video games aren’t some rote progression from pixel-art to photo-realism.

Your responses are so odd. I’m starting to think you are an AI. 

I’m pretty sure that if most of those people could do so, then they would.

Wow, that’s a huge wall of text for a counter-argument that ultimately agrees with me. This particular instance is all I was talking about.

Shhh, don’t ruin the misinformed bubble.

There’s no reason to staff/server/etc. all the way up so that you can handle the big spike of people on the first day.