
I feel for them. I worked on a Kickstarter that went down similar routes and present day me says “never again haha.” It may not seem like much but writing updates takes time. I remember I spent a whole day writing out and then carefully reading the writing to make sure it was clear and the tone was good.

I recognise that Hat game in there smile.

Gears for Breakfast. Failure is a good teacher but failure in the games industry usually means the end of the company. Essentially every game we put out is like putting all our chips onto the table and praying the dice rolls that winning number. They take years and years to make, consuming all our money and you could

Fantastic news, I wish them the best of luck. It’s nice to be able to develop a game and not lose sleep over whether you have funds to finish it. Looking forward to the game on release day!

That last line.....No. - Signed an actual dev.

More beautiful art to stare at for hours, count me hyped.

Reading this made me hungie for more zombie. So played another round earlier and got my time down to 3 hours. Those zombehs aint got your brain meats. Just run circles around them. You can do it :D

Banana Fish was my fav this season, the description for it caught me off guard but I checked it out anyways and by the end I was :O

Epic also made the Unreal Engine, the thing that powers pretty much all the well received modern games and defined the future careers of future devs :)

Yeah it’s hard to read them honestly. Guess we’ll see.

This is crazy good for us devs. Epic once again showing the industry how it’s done. Will be interesting to see what Valve does next, despite this news, Steam will be relevant for a while, a few years at least. Many clients before this have tried to be the Steam killer, perhaps this will shake them up a bit.

Sums up my feelings. 

The way I see it, the moment he says I trust her that’s all he needs to follow however that trust he so boldly claims suddenly had a but in it, guess he doesn’t trust her after all or the issue would be over.

No because then it becomes an obsession that never leaves your mind, you doubt and then that doubt causes you to act differently. She came to him and told him without hesitation and he says he trusts her. That’s the end of the issue, the moment he doubts the trust is gone, the relationship ends.

1st dude the bottom line is, if you truly care about her you’ll push that nagging thought about cheating far, far down into the pits of your brain and instead have some good ol’ merry days together and so on.

Meh I just feel bad for devs. Leaks are never fun to find out about.

Honestly might be the game I’m most hype for. I loved the intro to RE6 and wanted a whole game of that. This looks to give me that and moooore. And who knows they could add fixed camera mode as an unlockable or DLC.

I’m amazed someone in this field would wait so long :eyes: Well welcome aboard! My boss got me to jump on to 144hz a few years back and I can’t go back to 60 fps. Help.

I enjoyed it very much, excellence all around. I just want a NG+ to carry my gear over so I can play again and be OP.