I regularly daily a lowered 911 Turbo on the streets of Cleveland, Ohio. I promise, your car is fine.
I regularly daily a lowered 911 Turbo on the streets of Cleveland, Ohio. I promise, your car is fine.
People act like hes some great saving grace for Nissan but I see him as the guy that fucked them.
Wasn’t he kinda integral to their eventual collapse though?...
Definitely weight. As for temp I’d guess they have metallurgy to determine the best trade off of weight vs temp resistance vs reliability. The mission on the surface was only supposed to last for two years but was extended. The design lasted 6X longer than expected, pretty good.
It’s pretty simple: a nearly-all European executive team who has very little experience with the North American market is running the show. Into the ground.
He’s a moderate, normal guy by any sane take.
Not true. He has an Accord. He doesn’t talk about it.
No matter what you think of the truck or anyone who buys them, yelling profanities at him, giving the guy the finger and spitting on/scratching his property makes you as bad if not worse of a person.
fell OFF
I can mix and match some Antares Ingens up front with some Bridgestones out back from Walmart for under $1000 for all 4 corners.
Safe abortion? How is it safe for the baby that’s killed? It’s isn’t.
You are an example of why I refuse to color all dealerships with the “all dealerships bad” brush. And in my experience, you aren’t that out of the ordinary. Though the sucky dealerships do tend to cluster in certain brands. And the really good ones in others.
Lets be honest, their real reluctance to go EV is that they would be loosing their number one reason why people are buying Toyota, mechanical reliability. Minus a few models, Toyota are sooo boring to drive but people buy them because they will outlast pretty much any competitors car. Now if you have an EV powertrain,…
Exactly...it evokes the 2nd gen without copying the 2nd gen.
0:07 in and the audio is a romping throttle while the clip is of the driver standing on the brake.
Not exactly confidence-inspiring.
EDIT: 0:18 in and the clip is of an up-shift with the sound of a down-shift...
Almost makes me wonder if Michael Mann cast Adam because his last name was Driver.
Sortof like how Jack Donaghy…
I can relate as I enjoy my V8-powered cars but also equip all of them with catalytic converters. I get a lot of people criticizing me for that because I guess it is incomprehensible that someone can like muscle cars and horsepower while also trying to remain environmentally responsible.