Oooh you just cleared up what was bothering me so much about Whoopi's comment. She's got questions for the victim but none for her friend who did this? How about you go ask your friend some of those questions Whoops.
Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister…
Ugh, I was so dearly hoping that the sentence "Orlando Bloom Throws a Punch at Justin Bieber" would end with "... prompting Bieber to reexamine his life, decide to retreat from public life, and donate 99% of his assets to reputable charities serving disadvantaged children and baby animals." Sadly, this appears not to…
Brienne approves of your recognition:
It makes me sad to see Rufus Sewell caught in a mess like this, I do love him so.
yes how is that good armor
Yes, of course there are exceptions, and we all love Xena. (See also: Brienne of Tarth.)
As much as I love him, Hercules is kind of a middling hero. He's not the strongest (that's Atlas), or the most…
"World's sourest little grape."
Agreed. I also think there's also an issue of the individual versus communal here, too. Not only are women supposed to "have it all," but we're supposed to "have it all" without help. If you hire a nanny or a cook or a driver or a cleaning service you have failed at parenting and life, because you didn't do it ALL BY…
That's the only reason these questions are asked of women: because raising kids is somehow STILL "the woman's job."
Let's be clear, it's not possible to work 60+ hours a week and be there for the home stuff. Maybe once and a while if you're the boss you can arrange your schedule to be there but you aren't doing the daily after school pick ups, the homework, etc. It doesn't matter if you're working three jobs making minimum wage…
"Fuck off, thickebag. I DO NOT WANT IT, and if you come any closer, you're getting a stiletto in the eye." Like that?
I propose a new derogatory word: thickebag. Please feel free to use in a sentence.
Yes, this! Just because some people believe that IUDs and PlanB are post-conception birth control doesn't make it so. In fact, the FDA disagrees. How long until anti-vaxxers try to exempt vaccines because they believe they cause autism, despite any scientific proof? Lots of people believe crazy shit, but we generally…
I wish I knew the answer, but I can just shake my head in disbelief.
If this is a huge hoax/scam, then the family isn't going to find a lot of sympathy for being the target of this kind of backlash. However, if they did this because they legitimately couldn't fund their daughter's medical care, that's depressing on a whole other level
It's no feminist masterpiece, but it's a step in the right direction for Disney. It's something I'd be okay with my hypothetical daughter watching, as opposed to Snow White/Cinderella/Beauty & the Beast etc.
It's called "suspension of disbelief". It's so we can have fun and enjoy some entertainment without judgement and escape for a little while. Also, it's the first Disney movie I saw where at the end of the day, it was her love for her sister that saved the day instead of a man saving her. I appreciated that.