"as I learnt more, I understood that the fathers, like all parents, simply wanted to protect the ones that they love – in the best way they know how"
"as I learnt more, I understood that the fathers, like all parents, simply wanted to protect the ones that they love – in the best way they know how"
:) Glad to share it, in all it's comedy/tragedy brilliance. Didn't know about region restrictions, still new to posting, thanks for the heads up!
I was thinking of all they YA literature that exceeds the adult genre in depth, and with much needed literary archetypes. I believe the Hobbit started out as a book for children. And there are so many powerhouse series in YA; there is Harry Potter, A wrinkle in Time, The Golden Compass and the list goes on. And there…
Yes, but our conservative government would gloss right over that choice fact. Cotton balls in ears I believe, or is it they are too busy posing with women's magazines?
Checking the wiki for Asylum Seeker right now...
There was an issue of cosmo that had a recipe for Martha Stewarts "engagement chicken" and "sex tips", another fashion magazine had "how to make a bed". I was floored at how archaic it was at the core. The chicken was supposedly a guarantee to getting a proposal.
Yes! While sometimes I just want to die because of how horrible they can be, but I am also glad they are showing themselves exactly as they are.
Found the link:
Le sigh! Too true, and this is what happens when I begin to wishfully think about immigration to another country. I realize that while I love some aspects there will always be some sort of trade off, and politicians will always be a little bit crazy, and a little bit greedy (or a lot). I had not heard about the…
The Daily show did a great segment about Australian gun control and how much sense it makes, and then interviewed American law makers who didn't make any sense at all!
I agree that becoming a feminist activist is not for everyone, however I disagree with it being boring or something she should ignore because she feels more strongly about space exploration. I also acknowledge that women have many different definitions of what feminism might mean to them, but I think most of us can…
"While the ramblings of a disturbed young man intent on purifying the world, ridding it of sex and love by eradicating women and putting them into concentration camps is clearly beyond delusional, his rhetoric and general view of entitlement to women is engendered by the same anti-women notions that houses the men's…
#YesAllWomen Because my self defense instructor (when I was a teenager), a local cop taught me that men's private parts were more important than my own. I was told to not hurt the "family jewels". I had felt really empowered viewing Sandra Bullock in Miss Congenitally as a role model for being able to take care of…
"Thank you. It is very helpful to begin to hear stories like these lately thanks to the internet and see there are people who see it as wrong. I think we were raised to be so passive and silent that many of us wouldn't speak out if it weren't for the internet, and maybe that's why we are finally starting to hear these…
"Her blog is amazing. She puts everything into words I haven't been ever able to. This stuff is not just a fringe, it's very visible in the evangelical Christian world with varying levels of crazy."
Yes I was Home schooled! I have found that to be a common thread as well. It is true what you say about it not being unique to them- or that all the Quiverfull families will use such methods but it does seem to be popular among that particular group/brand of Christianity as you mentioned. In my case it was Evangelical…
Libby Anne's blog on the Duggar's surprised me in that it described a philosophy about children that I was raised with. Particularly the authoritarian discipline and emotional control aspects. I want to read over the rest of her posts! I was not raised with the Quiverfull mentality, instead my family was a part of the…
I was a home schooled kid attending church as a teen with two other home school girls. I wore a skirt that was knee length but had a bit of a slit, boots up to my calves and a sweater top that hugged. I was later accused by the girls for my apparent lack of modesty and that it had caused me to be leered at by old men…
The whole treatment of Dylan Farrow makes me cringe! I agree with many of the comments here that abusers would never expose themselves in broad daylight. They are church going, smart amiable, involved in the community, and any other thing you might think normal on the surface. No one wants to believe that someone…