Gyu-Don Giovanni

How ‘bout a bill that requires classes teaching police how to interact with kids?

I just finished an analysis of the bill for work soul is gone. If this passes the Senate - Lord? Take me now.

Anyone else see Obama and immediately start hearing “Baby come back” playing in their head?

Oh I agree they would work well on LoT. That show seems perfectly designed for their type of characters. But I think Flash so badly needs an infusion of new characters I’d rather at least have them start there.

That little racist terrorist needs to be in jail.

I said this on a previous post about Trump’s now infamous “tapes” tweet, but now that he’s stated publicly he was bullshittin’, that tweet immediately becomes obstruction of justice.

I’m amazed at the hypocrisy of those who appear to be admitting that they want to devalue the lives of people of color, but also demand that those same people of color value their own bigoted lives. Like, yeah, any decent person should strive to help others, regardless of the moral turpitude of those others, but

Yeah. The men-must-always-be-fucking-assholes gene is definitely passed down from dribbling fuck-stick to dribbling fuck-stick.

Could have been worse, it could have been Walmart.

No, he’s a floater. Someone needs to flush the congressional toilet already. Repeatedly, if necessary.

You’d probably need a couple degrees below 98 - even at rest, the human body will be producing a couple hundred watts of waste heat it’ll need to shed, and it’s _really_ hard to shed heat when you’re immersed in water.

In Austrailia you silly, silly man.........oh wait, that’s INXS.........nevermind.

“Remember the 273 rule of acquisition: hu-mons are suckers for a nice velour!”

Lobbyists combined with Ferengi clothing merchants. It’s all part of the Explorational-Industrial Complex man!!!

Q: “Where is the incest?”

Places like McDonalds, KFC, and Taco Bell are rebranding to look less like plastic toys to and more like sleek, modern cafes.

Leave Ivanka out of this...

If they love Russia so goddamn much, why don’t they just move there? Like, seriously, where are the patriots?

This is a great idea. No, wait, hear me out:

I assume all Klansmen drive pickup trucks or Trans Ams