
My favorite bit about everyone claiming that Michelle Wolf insulted SHS’ appearance by comparing her to Aunt Lydia: They’re starting from the belief that “Ann Dowd is ugly” is a fact, and not an opinion every bit as insulting as the one they’re clutching their pearls about.

Uh... the biggest reason she got the attention because a bunch of terrorists tried to blow her head off. After she was being loud and outspoken as hell about her issue in Pakistan. Malala was never, ever “quiet”, she was “shouting”. And got louder AFTER they tried to murder her.

Oof, looked the author up and her day job is writing about food and culture. This appears to be her first foray into writing childrens’ books.

What particularly bums me out is the forums and microphones we allow TERFs. Like, allowing this individual a platform at all, along with her bullshit about how “EVERYONE THINKS THIS BUT NO ONE SAYS IT” (um, no, dear, we’re not all as bigoted and rotten as you, thanks) is another way of mainstreaming this kind of idea.

Burkett’s piece was some white woman nonsense and is a perfect example of why many* white women feminists over the age of 40 tend to piss me the fuck off.

Let's start with your opening sentence: "The problem is some group will always complain." There's a lot wrong there. First of all, why does that mean that we should take no complaints seriously? I mean, if a couple of nuts complain about some really odd issue, you can probably ignore them, but that doesn't mean

The fact that this has any stars at all is so deeply and profoundly concerning to me.

She's been warped and distorted into a toxic individual by others. She's just fine.

Oh look, someone questioning Anita's "gamer cred" right off the bat.

I'm gonna make a bingo sheet for all of the various Tropes vs Anita In Gaming that GG and its offshoots have spawned and mark them off as the comments for this article come in. That's 1 down.

Because of course I have nothing better I could be doing with my day.


Oh sure, this is acceptable! But if I make a joke about how I don't need feminism because I am a man, I get attacked for it. Cats need to check their fucking privilege.

The FIBA World Cup and IAAF World Cup are oppressed and denied their rights in ways equally painful to the way Women are so your point is quite salient.

No, allow me to pay for my own birth control out of insurance which is part of my compensation.


I've had a crush on Özil (Germany) for a while now...something about those eyes (and those thighs...).

Yeah, I don't know, this sort of seems like one of those things like where, really, you have to exclude the obvious answer for this to be a fair contest. It's the 70's. It just is.