
To be fair, using correct pronouns for transpeople is kinda a new thing. It certainly wasn't covered in my high school english class, or social studies, or health, etc. Most people still don't understand what being transgender actually *is*, and so they unintentionally misgender people, because they only think in

Did you read the Washington Post piece linked? There have been a wealth of studies about the dangers of leaving children alone in parked cars and why it is dangerous:

Yes but Joe Millionaire was a treasure and I miss it every day.

But female biology does not always = XX chromosomes.

Isn't the name "TwoXChromosomes" a little TERFy?

Applauding your own comment is pretty ballsy.

Please stop appropriating "victimhood culture" then. No one wants to hear your fucking whining, for sure.

Good set up, but it still feels forced. I would work on your gravitas, and fewer cliches often works to convince people you are serious. Needs improvement.

Quick let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!

That, uh, that was not my point.


For the record my excuse is that spaghetti sandwiches are delicious.

No, I saw your comment. You are assuming that she had no hand in the creation of the sketch. I pointed out that is a bad assumption given that she is a comedy writer who is an SNL super-fan. For a host like Michael Phelps, this assumption makes sense. For a host like Dunham, it does not.

If I see one more person talk about Don Draper as a masculine paragon I'm going to murder a puppy. The entire point of the character of Don Draper is that he is an empty shell of a human being. Trying to be a "Man's Man" has left him hollow and dead inside, with no family, love, or meaningful connection.

Thank you for teaching women the right way to deal with invasive stalking and harassment. This is really helpful.

He's a dick, but he manages to manipulate people into thinking that if they point this simple truth out, it's because they can't handle him because he's too real!

Guys, the Biggest Loser is some disgusting and exploitative garbage, and there are good arguments to be made that they're promoting some really unhealthy and disturbing ideas. But let's not concern-troll this woman who we don't know, and whose health we don't know anything about.

Stanford thug

Substitute me for the puppy and my cat for the human, and this is a perfect representation of what I go through every morning at 5:30