
What world do you live in?

But he didn't say "Do you understand English." He didn't say that at all. He was saying that the CBO report is NOT written English. So he was really saying "Do you understand that CBO report? Can you translate it INTO English?" It's a condescending and dickish thing to say, IMO, and there's certainly a subtext of

I agree. O'Brien could have done a much better job making the argument. Talking about "cuts" versus "savings" sounds like a semantic dodge, unless you can actually articulate the difference, which she failed to do. I'm sure it's tough to do in that format and when a dude is repeatedly interrupting you, but that's kind

I think it's pretty clear he didn't have Soledad's race or ethnicity in mind when he made that comment. He even made sure to clarify, seeming to realize how bad it sounded. By "What does that mean in English?" he meant, "What does it mean in layman's terms, as opposed to the CBO's technical/wonky language?"

You're wrong, Lindy. This ad is not unrealistic. I've seen people with similar body shapes finish marathons. Plenty of times.

17 years old IS a child, and crying is not a choice. It's a natural emotional reaction that a lot of people can't control. I bet you feel like a big man criticizing a teenage girl for not being able to control her crying. I hope that's working out well for you.

Somehow I knew it would be Thin Mints.

I thought this was what Twitter was for.

He didn't apologize for the set that prompted her heckling. He apologized for his reaction to her heckling.

The truth is that Twitter has become a more useful tool than Facebook. Facebook is unnecessarily complex and unwieldy to begin with, and now that they've gone public you can already see Facebook compromising the user experience in an attempt to find revenue sources.

I don't get the impulse to teach a comedian — the person on the stage with the mic, the person everyone there paid to see and hear — about what's funny and what's not. What do you think his response is going to be?

Stop asking me to make compromises, stop having high expectations of me, stop encouraging me to think about the future, stop making me deal with other people's emotions, stop needing anything from me, stop failing to fill all my needs whenever I have them, stop trying to get me to articulate my feelings, stop still

I think the idea was that when someone kills himself, the people in his life tend to search for reasons. They will grasp at anything that seems to explain it, and usually blame themselves and wonder if they could have done more. Joan is wondering what she could have done, and that's the only thing she can think of.

Excellent point. The move seemed out of character for Megan, but perhaps she has changed. The challenges of trying to be an actress have changed her. And Don perceived that.

I think you're upset about a large trend and you're mistakenly placing my comment in the context of that trend and taking out your frustration on me.

Two-dimensional. Flat.

If someone has a different opinion about a show, it means that her reaction is "knee-jerk" and "lazy?" Okay.

I have watched the show, and I find it to be very true.

Yep. About as dimensional as the characters on the show.