
Nope, sorry. It's not un-feminist nor inherently objectifying to talk about a woman's looks. She's a woman who is highly regarded for her looks and whose job largely depends upon her looks. She poses for beauty pictures in magazines. Having an opinion about someone's looks doesn't always rise to the level of

Are you joking? Please tell me you're joking.

I have no opinion on her as an actress or as a movie star or as a human being. But I am perplexed by her looks. Kristen Stewart's features are objectively beautiful. She has all the right parts in all the right sizes/shapes, very well placed to be considered lovely. And yet, she isn't. She's just kind of blah to look

I couldn't disagree more. You don't have to be directly affected by something to be shocked and disturbed by it, and to turn to humor as a way of dealing with that. People used humor to talk about the Challenger disaster, for example.

Humor is a way that people deal with things that are disturbing and upsetting.

That seriously gave me chills! I can't wait to see it. I love the gritty approach. It's the songs and music and characters you know, but you can see it's not going to be slick like a Broadway production. They're going for raw. I just hope they can pull it off. I've loved this show since I was 12.

Wait. "An expert on humor in the workplace?"

The scene where Don was pitching to Jaguar, talking about how you can never really own a woman. And meanwhile Joan is being bought and sold. Holy. Shit.

I feel bad for the woman in the video.

Yep. You can tell.

"I love you, food."

I've always wanted a miniature horse just like that! It would wear sneakers and sleep in the bed with me. This is not related to guide animals, just that I want that horse.

Look, we all know (or should know by now) that when the shit comes down, everyone will have to choose a camp. There will be the AI, the cyborgs, the genetically altered humans (we'll call them "manimals") and the plain old regular humans, each vying for control. My money's on the cyborgs. I welcome this lady as my new

That's not true. The gay kid whom Romney tormented cared a lot, for years and years after the incident. And the other boys involved cared enough to remember and regret it to this day.

Willing to bounce back? That makes no sense. You can't bounce back from fame to nowhere. She was an average 14-year-old with no particular connections and some small amount of talent whose parents tried to break her into show biz by shelling out a whole lot of money to people who were basically scammers. Out of that

I agree with you, but I didn't think the ad parody was playing upon that particular cultural trope at all.

He sure is a cutie pie.

Cellulite is natural and very common. But so is body hair, and so is fat, and so are "big" noses, and so are wrinkles, age spots, crooked teeth, small breasts, sagging breasts, pale skin, grey hair... There are innumerable natural, common traits which our society deems unattractive and which women will go to

Lindy, you have GOT to get yourself out to a Major League Soccer game.
