
Yep. That's the gist.

Not exactly the same thing, but this reminds me of a male friend/colleague who was very immature. He was dating a lovely girl but would often insist that he wanted "no drama." He'd tell me stories of how she would get upset over something, and he'd tell her, "Look, I told you I don't want any drama."

I've heard this MRA complaint before, in the comments section of a blog about the video "Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street." The blogger (I'm sorry, I don't recall who it was) had referred to the video as "creepy." Some of the commenters — including at least one who claimed to be a woman, IIRC — tried to explain at

Samantha Brick thinks she had it hard being beautiful? She should try being slightly-above-average looking. People have no idea how difficult that can be. Men sometimes buy me drinks, but not always. At work, female colleagues are jealous of me, until a more attractive woman gets hired and then we bond over our

I'm just tired of the bullshit about women "choosing" to stay home or "choosing" to work. The majority of moms have no choice in this matter; they have to work to keep paying the bills. Just the fact that Ann Romney had the luxury to choose makes her unable to relate to the majority of American women. That's just an

Actually I like this one better.

I never pay attention to the titles of the episodes. I should start.

I want to applaud Tracie for a very astute episode summary. I certainly noticed that women's vulnerability to violence was the theme of the episode, but I didn't catch the Mystery Date tie-in, which really is the through-line. Well noticed!

Woot! MLS FTW.

There's lots of reasons why people might identify as Jewish. For the vast majority, it's because they are genetically Jewish. If you are born into a Jewish family, you are likely to identify as Jewish even if you know nothing about the religion or the culture. And many religious Jews believe that if you're genetically

The question implies that all Jews aren't equally Jewish, as if there are "sort of" Jews or different kinds of Jews. There's no need to add specificity. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew. If you want to talk about spirituality and belief, that's a separate conversation. It has nothing to do with how a person identifies.

I had the converse problem — I couldn't understand that other religions didn't work the same way. I'd meet non-Jews and ask what religion they are, and sometimes people would shrug and say, "I'm not religious." And I'd be like, "I didn't ask if you were religious! I asked what religion you are." And they'd go, "We

I once had an odd conversation with an evangelical Christian. I was trying to explain to him that I'm a Jewish atheist. He said, "So you're a cultural Jew but not a Jew by religion." And I said, "No, I'm just a Jew." Him: "Right, you're a cultural Jew." Me: "No. Just a Jew." He could not get his head around this idea

Hey guys, I just found the coolest fashion blog! It's called "the Neiman Marcus Catalog." I wish I could pay it $20,000 for an appearance fee, but it's above that.

Thank you. You took the words out of my brain.

I don't... get it? I looked at her blog, and it's just pictures of her wearing different outfits and shoes. There's nothing there I can't see in a fashion magazine or store catalog. She's not the first person to work something out of nothing with good hustle and networking skills, so whatever. I'm not going to resent

Yeah, they're spot on. They're pretty ladies in princess outfits. What more do you want?

Honestly? These look like the girls who work at Disneyland, with a minor bit of photo retouching.

I think I agree with you. Now I almost WANT to have Rick Santorum's abortion.

I think you're right. This tendency really is the unfortunate other edge of the internet sword. It's not just the MRA "movement," but also conspiracy theorists and ultraconservatives (actually they are basically the same, aren't they). Whatever brand of paranoid, hateful, or terrified you may be, you can find others