
Sure... anything is "liftable" with enough money. The question is how easy/affordable will it be. If it is complex, pricey, ends up compromising the vehicle driveability too much, or does not contribute to effectiveness as an off-road vehicle, then who cares if some "can" lift it? I hope that's not the case as I'd

Neutral: Bugatti, I'm gonna need about a $2.31 million discount. Lemme know.

You're right. All three are supremely capable by trucks of 15 years ago standards. Any one of these will tow obscene amounts in relative comfort. Appears GM has really nailed a nice integrated trailer brake controler but... I don't tow on any serious grades so wouldn't be very high in my list of requirements. There's

"New tech" is not my phrasing... but nevertheless, you wouldn't concede that, as a product, the Models S appears to be breaking new ground for EVs? Thus the conglomerate of technology that compromises it, although not new in parts, as a whole is "new" in regards to mainstream automobiles? I would also say it's "new"

What you call "an aversion to new tech" I call a normal attitude that's not at all unreasonable. This "new tech" will have to stand the test of time not only from a technical and practical perspective but many other factors that ultimately add or detract to their attractiveness to mainstream consumers... not the

I guess Chiat hit a little too close to home. Understandable.

I like it. Mostly because I know I don't have to deal with it for more than a few days. Right now it is 22F where I live in Texas. It is forecast to be in the 60s tomorrow, 70s Friday. Where I hunt (west texas high desert) it is presently 11F and will be 80F by Friday. Of course, no precip in that arid part of the

It would be a lot easier to make cars like the CRX if they weighed 1800lbs.

It's just too early to say that. Only time will tell.

Oh I get it. It's because weird cultural differences. Cool.

1st: All new tech requires wealthy early-adopters that are willing to sacrifice money in terms of a ridiculous price premiums, reliability and practicality. These folks fund the R&D that will one day allow affordable and practical EVs for everyone who wants one. This is how a $3000 brick phone from the 80s becomes a

Where do i sign up? I need one for my deer lease.

I think the take away here is that one human is experiencing insane amounts of sensoric euphoria, while another is merely observing said automotive hooliganism whilst checking twitter. Interesting how technology allows us to be increasingly the voyeur and decreasingly the participant.

A-fuckin-men brother.

Hear, all ye good people, hear what this brilliant and eloquent speaker has to say!

I know. It's crazy how heavy the Audis are.

Bad meaning bad, or bad meaning good? Must be the latter.

"That's heavier than a Crown Vic."

I gotta be me!!!

It's not legal to remove emissions equipment but it is usually not stringently checked for. As long as the computer says everything is operating correctly. If you are unlucky enough to have an OBD-I vehicle then they will always put the sniffer on your tailpipe... Kinda odd why they don't always check the tail pipe