Unexpected Dave

Ah, a New Game Plus chest!

Based on interviews from Nomura, it sounds that they had a lot less freedom in making Kingdom Hearts III than they had with KH2, at least when it came to the Disney material.

Exactly. There’s so much plot in these games. It makes sense when delivered gradually over 20 hours. Why should it make sense when summarized in20 seconds?

I think you really need the live audience to make the show work. (Sound of Music Live! didn’t have a live audience, and it felt super-weird. It sucked the energy right out of the show.)

Yeah. Especially the early 90s (think Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Saved by the Bell.) And if you look at the audiences of sporting events as a guide, you can see that people were still wearing bright colours and mullets well into the 90s.

The scene where Bruce Willis is assaulting his girlfriend while Crockett can only watch, and the world’s sappiest romantic ballad plays in the background...

The episode doesn’t give us a chance to really explore what happened to the people of New Eden, because the answer is inextricably entwined with what appears to be the season’s over-arching mystery. I think we’re just going to have to accept that loose-end feeling until the finale.

Oh yeah, we smarks looked down on anyone who did “soft” chair shots in the 90s (those were especially common in the nWo days). At the time, we lacked any real knowledge of the logistics behind it all, and we assumed that chair shots were like every other move in wrestling: safe when done properly.

In order to REALLY work, we would have needed a scene where Nathaniel finds the beauty in Maya’s Found Object Art. “Wow. Every part is garbage, but when you put it all together, it’s... beautiful...”

This may be stretching this exercise somewhat, but I’d love to see “After Hours” by We Are Scientists (which was a minor hit about ten years ago) become a huge and ubiquitous party anthem.

You can thank Dr. Johnny Fever for that.

I wonder how far ahead Michael Schur plotted the show. It often feels as if they’re winging it, but then again TV networks tend to insist that a show have a five-year plan before it gets greenlit. Hmm.

Yeah, it’s nice to see an anime movie get a proper wide release. Usually, they’re presented as “Event Screenings” with one showing at Saturday morning at 10 am and another at 11 pm on Wednesday night. 

The scheduling on Canada’s Cartoon Network is even more sporadic than in the US, so I buy the season pass on iTunes. Even that’s not perfect. Sometimes the episode is available for download the morning after it airs in the US, sometimes I have to wait a couple of weeks.

Do Real Madrid need to qualify for the 2019-2020 Champions League to attract as prestigious a player as Hazard? Or will the club’s pedigree be enough?

In the past, the show has managed to successfully go back to low-stakes stories after having huge epic cosmic conflicts. 

They definitely seem to have been building to an ultimate finale throughout season 5. It will almost certainly be the end of the conflict between the Crystal Gems and the Diamonds. 

Oof. That is gross.

As someone who enjoyed the experience of unlocking fighters (and very much missed that aspect while playing Smash Bros. for Wii U) I do wish that there had been an optional day-one download to unlock every fighter from the outset. It’s the happiest medium we can get.

Even as a City fan, I don’t begrudge Liverpool finally getting a league title in the Premier League era. I still feel a little bad about 2014.