Unexpected Dave

Tonight’s episode has been available for months (it screened at Comicon, and was released on iTunes shortly thereafter) but the next four weeks are all brand new. This is going to be great.

You can tell that Chevy Chase really wanted to be seen as a real actor and not just a comedian, especially in his early roles. He was more likely to play a low-key comedic character. He used his good looks more often than his talent for physical comedy.

The best stories tend to come from the unlikeliest places.

I’m not even sure that a more durable version of the Switch would necessarily be portable-only. They may make some other compromise, such as not having detachable Joycons, and requiring a separate controller to function in docked mode. 


A lot of my videogame-playing time this past year was spent on romhack randomizers. These will take a familiar game like <i>Link to the Past</i> or <i>Final Fantasy</i> and mix up things like the locations of items in chests, and/or the placement of enemies. (A good randomizer will typically have a lot of different

It’s great to see that there are still high quality big budget games out there. 

I thought the ending worked fine. I was a little disappointed that Maria and Minorikawa’s stories ended before the main climax, though.

I liked 428 Shibuya Scramble because it tells a complicated story about how our decisions affect those around us. 428 Shibuya Scramble is a visual novel that follows five protagonists through an eventful day. Each protagonist has their own goals, but their stories intersect in various ways. Seemingly innocuous


I went into the movie having only read the first volume of the comic (which I loved) and I found the movie slightly disappointing. I think the main problem was that it felt like every line delivery was too fast, as if Edgar Wright made the cast speak 25% faster than normal so that they could cram every line of

And no more merciful beheadings either!

It’s funny. I watched that show a ton when I was growing up (its reruns were a staple of Canadian TV well into the 90s) and the only thing I remember are the interstitial bits that get recycled in every episode. I assume there must have been some actual stories in the show, but I’m at a loss to recall them.


I really should watch Scott Pilgrim again. I went into the movie having read (and loved) the first volume of comic, but the movie left me a bit lukewarm. (I remember most of the performances [not just Cera’s] being a bit too wooden. And the movie never really had time to breathe, the way the comic did. Everything

Cool! I’ll check it out sometime. Thanks.

And games that come out later in a console’s life-cycle tend to have a smaller attach rate than games that are released earlier in a console’s life-cycle. By the time Majora’s Mask came out, many people had packed away their N64, or had stopped paying attention to new releases.

Crash’s first game was heavily promoted; he was the PlayStation’s mascot (at least in America.) There were a number of TV ads in 1996 and 1997 that featured Crash standing outside Nintendo headquarters with a megaphone, bragging about the upcoming slate of PlayStation-exclusive games. 

This is one of the most passionate and fiery bits I’ve seen Oliver do in a long time. He doesn’t mince words as he calls out the racism, both blatant and hidden, behind the anti-immigration movement. 

After he spent the entire episode being sneaky and manipulative, it was always going to be difficult for Tucker to come off as sincere at the end of the episode.