Unexpected Dave

I learned some harsh lessons in the homebrew 5e campaign I ran last year, my first since I was a teenager in the 90s.

In the best episodes of Monster Factory, Griffin and Justin will find some unexpected glitch or weird design element that gives them something to just laugh at for fifteen minutes. When an episode has to rely entirely on Griffin and Justin’s jokes/banter, it’s usually not as good.

I will also go to bat for Ys VIII, as I have many times in the past. It’s an action RPG with a lot of freedom to explore, a great crafting system, and loads of colorful characters.

And you needed to collect every single dino egg hidden around the overworld map in order to beat the game as well. That was annoying.

I agree. If the various Mario comics over the years have proven only one thing, it’s that Mario has a penis. But if they’ve proven at least two things, it’s that it’s possible to make an entertaining adventure story about Mario.

Teti’s hinted that he’ll be back doing his thing (somewhere besides the AV Club) over the summer.

It’s almost exactly a year to the day since the only time I watched this movie as an adult. I was very surprised by the pseudo-Cronenberg look and tone of it all. The only thing that even remotely marks it as a “kids’ movie” is the musical score. It was frequently ponderous and nonsensical, but at least it made me

I saw this movie with a half-dozen of my friends when we were 12. We weren’t especially disappointed (good movies were few and far between in those days.) I think we all expected that we were getting a PG action comedy, so the movie’s weirdness was almost a pleasant surprise.

“Dash... I am your father...”

I gave up on Bateman, Tambor, and Cross long ago. Pretty much anything they’re in is irrevocably tainted for me.

I can’t understand why there are so few sandwich shop options in Canadian cities. Subway’ s direct competitors aren’t much better than Subway. You can usually find a few take-out sandwich or deli counters in the heart of a downtown business district, but they’re inevitably over-priced. Pre-wrapped subs and sandwiches

So does Hal Jordan, but they mention him anyway.

I’m a huge fan of classic Spider-Man, but I never had much of a desire to go back and read Marvel Team-Up. I should rectify that.

The Death of Jean DeWolff was “fridging”, but it was far from the worst example.

Yeah. Conservative commentators (from Rush Limbaugh to Alex Jones) have been cynically targeting the credulous people who are inclined to believe in conspiracies. It was enabled by the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987, and Bill Clinton’s election in 1992 really galvanized the commentators.

“As a failed physicist, take it from me...”


They should go a step further and remove him from season 4.

Where is Home Movies available to watch these days?

We’ve got a lot of self-serve kiosks in Canada as well. The newer (and most recently renovated) all have them. I’m annoyed that the McDonald’s closest to my house (in the heart of downtown) doesn’t have the self-serve kiosks yet, but that’s because it’s such a cramped store.