Unexpected Dave

How appropriate that this recipe would be posted in the dead of a Tuesday night. It’s the time of the week that always tempts you to indulge your darkest whims, like trivia and karaoke. “Yessss...” Tuesday grins. “Get drunk now, as the week has barely begun.”

Having one splat book per year is pretty reasonable to me. I hate bloat and power-creep as much as anyone, but I also get excited by the idea of trying out new race and subclass options.

That one doesn’t bother me so much, at least not in isolation. If the player is a delightful person, it doesn’t bother me if they’re one-shotting the boss in every encounter. Their victory is OUR victory.

Yeah, there’s nothing inherently wrong with power-gaming, but a few of the power-gamers I’ve known have a few disruptive habits:

It takes an action to enter the shell, and a bonus action to come out. While in the shell, you have disadvantage on dexterity saves, are prone, and can’t take reactions. It’s powerful, but there are serious drawbacks.

The one kneeling on the right.

1966 was indeed a hell of a year. It was pretty much year one for psychedelia with “Shapes of Things”, “Tomorrow Never Knows”, etc. And that was all in the mainstream!

It’s like the slogan from that mid-90s public service ad that used to always run during FOX’s afternoon cartoon block: “Drugs Diminish Dicks.”



I actually enjoyed the first two episodes on a camp level, and then I completely forgot that the show existed.

Every so often, SCTV would extend its parodies for an entire episode. (I can recall their version of Goin’ Down the Road, for example.) They were fine, but the short parodies were usually enough.

Inspector Spacetime was annoying enough when it appeared on Community. Let it be.

I had a hell of a time with the initial tutorial fight in the original Nier. (Boss fights in that game used an awkward “finishing” system that took me a while to get a handle on.) But then I discovered a neat trick: if you never leave the starting area, letting the various mooks come to you, the boss never spawns.

Yeah, I remember people were very “scandalized” by the fact that Scary Movie was full of American Pie -style raunch humor, when they were expecting a tamer sort of spoof.

Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards (who also had a minor supporting role) met on the set of Loaded Weapon 1.

Part of me feels like this episode’s climactic diatribe isn’t meant to be taken at face value, that it’s there to offer some insight into who Rick is. Specifically, why he left his family and why he came back.

And unlike the PS2 era, the collections we get today aren’t filled with glitches, slowdown, and baffling UI decisions! It’s the best of both worlds.

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