

- Taxpayers of Rhode Island

Pesterer Pesters Women Into Accepting His Definition of Pestering.
Solid strategy, Champ.

One of the only times being in the gray works to your benefit. I laughed extra hard because I didn’t expect that to pop up after the blobclick. Well done!

I live in Boston, love Ben Affleck completely unironically, agree with everything he had to say about Ballgahzi, am legit 100% right now drunker than he and Bill were on camera, and even I winced through that whole discussion. I only watched a clip, so I thought I had missed the part where they announced they had

I don’t think I’ve seen the item you’re talking about, but it’s pretty well known in Sweden that he doesn’t actually design the pieces attributed to him. I have a very good Swedish friend who is a journalist, and when I went to visit her in Stockholm in 2013 we went to see this firescreen at the store, because it was

As someone else also mentioned, September 1st is called “Allston Christmas” in Boston because of this phenomenon. I’m in my 50s with a very professional career, and I still have no shame pulling a 2' by 3' beautifully framed mirror out of the trash to decorate my summer house. Have yourself a Merry Allston Christmas,

I agree with everything you said, but to be fair to Jenji, the source material is super boring. I say this as a Smith grad who was dating a guy in jail at the time the book was published, so I was really interested in the book, and couldn’t find anything interesting enough in it in a bookstore browse to buy it.

Now playing

Actually, Leonard Nimoy was from the West End, which is why he was the voice for the IMAX theatre at the Museum of Science

Really? A vapid reality star who became famous for putting out a notably unsexy sex tape is going to lecture all the rest of us - the women who have to rely on our brains and not our booty to earn our living - for “body shaming” her? When her husband writes a song about her daughter called “Bitch” I can’t wait to

I completely agree. But based on my experience, the agent could have done just that, and it went whistling past her ears because all she was hearing was TOURIST CLASS!!!1!

I fly a lot (I hit 2 million miles on American in 2011) and completely co-incidentally, I have a number of friends who work for various airlines. The amount of people I see who willfully misunderstand what an airline employee is telling them when it doesn’t line up with their desires is staggering. There are many

I know exactly what you’re feeling. Early this month my father would have had his 100th birthday, so I posted some pictures of him as a child in the early ‘20s and as he was in the late ‘90s before he died.

He had a very difficult life - his father died and left his mother with six small children, and she had no

I posted this before under a different username in a similar thread on Jezebel, but I’ll leave it here as well:

Off topic, but are The Villages a raging Republican stronghold? I’m a New Englander, so I was unaware of its existance until two couples I know moved there. They are both Disney-loving lesbian couples, so I had the idea for years that it was the Northampton of the South. I finally found out it’s majority hetero, and

I read it in Billy Eichner’s voice, and in a week I’ll have forgotten that it wasn’t actually a scene from Difficult People.

I heard this hot take in Sideshow Bob’s voice.

My private Seven Sisters liberal arts women’s college experience was almost the same as yours, except it was 30 years ago, and my younger sister and I were going to the same school. We managed to hit a six year period where admissions were “needs blind” so if you were admitted on your academic credentials and your

Totally off topic, but this sentence:

My Big Ten Inch?

That used to be the case. Sanctions are being dropped, but it's not quite like going to Cancun yet. It's always been pretty easy to go to Cuba as a US citizen, as long as you have no problem with flouting the laws of the US and potentially incurring six figure fines. You just get to Canada or Mexico, and book the