
I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss this. I stayed in several casa particulares when I was in Cuba two years ago, and none of them had internet access, but they were very networked, in an eighteenth century way. We only had to mention to the owner that we would be traveling to another town, and he would give us a

As someone who lives on a river downstream from a popular suicide bridge, and waits in terror for the day I find a body lodged under my dock, I think I speak for all my neighbors when I say: please don't do that.

I am 80% sure that, separated by 30+ years, Gloria and I lived in the same senior year single in Laura Scales at Smith. I base this upon the fact that we both lived in Scales senior year, and also that that room was one of the best on campus. Dubious Housing Proximity Feminist Cred, FTW!

And do you believe that Don Imus wasn't commenting on the Rutgers Women's Basketball team as sex objects or their sexual behavior or their race when he referred to them as "nappy headed hoes"? Because I think those women believed he was, and I do too.

He labeled Mo'ne with a gendered insult. She is a 13 year old

It's not a pet or a domesticated animal, it is a wild animal that a person has trapped and put inside its home for it's own pleasure. Would you feel the same way about a seagull that was forced to live inside a house because the owner thought it was cute? The seagull's struggle to escape would be more dramatic than

That does seem like a possible explanation, but it then leads to the question, "Why on earth would you take a hibernating animal out of its natural habitat and put it on your bed for the purpose of making a video?" Also, chipmunks don't fully hibernate - they wake up periodically to eat from food they have stored

That is one disturbing video. In my 50+ years of co-existing with chipmunks (my family has a cabin on a couple of acres in Western Mass. that is over-run with squirrels, chipmunks, racoons, waterfowl, snakes, and as of last year, now with more bear) I have never seen a chipmunk move like that. Is it stoned? It

Gwynth's dress was Ralph Lauren, and it was in no way made-to-measure. The entire thing was so ill fitted it gave the seamstress in me a rage stroke. Uma Thurman's dress at the 1995 Oscars is considered to have elevated Prada to the next level, and changed how people think about the red carpet.

My ex-boyfriend grew up in the 70s in an Indiana basketball coach's family. They made money in the summer by trading signed sports memorabilia. His job as a cute 9 year old was to go to the signings and to get as many balls signed as possible for resale. He did this for five years and the guy he loved most was Ernie

Dammit! He was the year ahead of me at Sloan! (So, yes, I count Sloan.) For some reason the database doesn't list his undergrad, only Sloan, and he's not in the '95 yearbook. The name sounds familiar, but I didn't recognize him from his pictures. I dropped out of the $10K competition where he was apparently

As an MIT alum, I had to make sure, at the very least he wasn't a graduate of my course, so I looked him up in the alumni database. No record of any "Brandon Wade" ever enrolling at MIT - the database also includes drop outs, so it's not just that he didn't graduate with a degree.

So, as far as I'm concerned, he's not

Well, to be fair, they can re-grow their claws, legs and antennae, so she wasn't that far off.
Lobster Facts

As a long time Boston taxpayer, I could not be more exited about this. My sister lived in Sydney for the two years leading up to the 2000 Olympics, and she and her husband loved every part of of it. I visited a couple months before the games, and the city was transformed. New transportation, new housing, and

THANK YOU! As a 2+ Million Miler on American with a 50% upgrade rate this year, these "I wore my cleanest bowling shirt, and they gave me my own room on Emirates!" comments give me fits. I pay for a subscription service called "ExpertFlyer" to figure out which flights have the highest likelihood of an upgrade before

I love to cook, but I have horrible knife skills, so half my kitchen is taken up with slicing/chopping devices. I have an OXO mandoline, which seems designed to be less digit-hungry than the French models, and a Cuisinart with an adjustable slicing disk. I have a tomato slicer that has teeth strong enough to get

In case it isn't obvious, the child actor who plays the oldest son is the same actor who plays Stan, Peggy's former nemesis/possible love interest on Mad Men. It is killing me to admit I watched both shows enough to know that fact without looking it up.