“The actors also alleged that Stallone asked production to bring in “pretty young girls to be around me” instead.”
“The actors also alleged that Stallone asked production to bring in “pretty young girls to be around me” instead.”
I love big swings, and I love FFC, but this is a vanity project for him and his most die-hard, unquestioning fans. And seemingly no one else.
That person’s entire job is to evaluate whether their studio is likely to lose money or make money by purchasing the rights and spending money on P&A.
What are you, his agent?
It screams something alright.
nO yOu dOnT uNdErStAnD tHe lAw!
This dude probably has at least one restraining order against him.
You’re very convincing, Guy who only seems to post to defend men against allegations of abuse.
We get it you hate women
Never understood the appeal of KISS other than the cool costumes which aren’t even as cool as the ones GWAR wear.
One of the (many, many, many, many) annoying aspects of the social media age is this tendency of trying to meme so-bad-they’re-good movies into existence. Sometimes (which is to say 99% of the time) shitty movies are just shitty, for entirely predictable and unremarkable reasons, no matter how much you try to delude…
Not that I’m in love with mine, but the perplexed look on Bart’s face while he’s holding the muffin makes the whole thing. I’m with you, 100%.
Bill Maher seems like a fucking cunt (derogatory)
Considering he doesn’t have to spend an hour listening to Bill Maher, he should send him a “Thank you for smoking!” note.
He does seem to be sucking himself off all the time, yes.
Bill Maher is creepy and disgusting. He looks to be riddled with Chlamydia. There’s probably a toilet seat named after him in the Playboy Mansion. He’s not smart or funny, just gross. Wash your hands and stay away. *Sprays Lysol in his general direction.*
I miss everyone’s avatars. I like my tomato sandwich.
I like how he’s trying to look like a super-hip connoisseur de Marie-Jean, and his ashtray’s the plastic ones hospitality supply warehouses sell for like $14 for a dozen.
Also known as the Gervais Technique.
Woah, my username survived the transition? Cool.