
What, sequels?

Bye then. *shrug*

Could he just not?

Chris Pratt must have compromising photos of Hollywood studio execs. There’s no other rational explanation.

Just wait until he appears in a straight-to-streaming slasher movie based on a Disney IP that’s now public domain. io9 will have a field day.

More time has passed since Beyond than the gap between Nemesis and Star Trek (2009), when Star Trek was effectively dead. This is the longest we’ve gone without a Trek movie as long as they’ve been a thing. As much as I enjoyed Beyond over its predecessors, I think it’s time to let the Kelvin timeline go.

Absolutely nobody was falling for “John Harrison” - that’s the kind of name a businessman checks into a motel with when he’s got a rendezvous with his mistress. Don’t make the big twist achingly obvious just from the trailers and pre-release information.

Something aimed at anime fans *and* Rick & Morty fans? Throw in some K-pop and you’ve got the most mathematically obnoxious fandom imaginable.

When Travis Knight is done with MOTU, can Paramount get him back to do another Transformers movie?

Damnit, Barry...

I’m sure they made The Ritual back in the 70s, only then it was called The Exorcist.

Top-left absolutely looks like someone who knows the taste of human flesh.

Wait until you see recent pics of Ernie Hudson.

My first impulse is to point and laugh at him. So I shall.

At least Mogwai are cute.

Thanks for the warning, I’ll be sure to give that a wide swerve.

The first season of Heroes was great. Everything after that was awful. I’ve never seen a show take such a hard plunge in terms of quality.

After being profoundly disappointed by Rise of the Beasts (after the genuinely great Bumblebee), I was managing my expectations. Seems that was the right move.

They knew.

Right, and?