Strange indeed, considering Larry David isn’t the biggest fan of people in general....
Strange indeed, considering Larry David isn’t the biggest fan of people in general....
Bought the PS5 just to play this game. Loved Zero Dawn on PS4 Pro as well. Buy it, you won’t regret your purchase.
Why would you ever buy a 1M when a M2 is cheaper and better in every single way?
That movie was beyond terrible, but the whole point was that they don’t age. So Olivia Wilde’s character being almost the same age as Justin was intended.
Yeah, I lost the medkit, emergency road kit, and the usb drive with the European maps. However, I made sure I got to keep the original German plates. Have to place a piece of paper in the car explicitly asking to keep those things, only learned that after the fact.
They don’t do any of that. I had European Delivery for my 4-series in 2014. They basically put the car on a boat, ship it as-is to the local dealer in your region via boat, and you pick it up from there. There’s no modification to the car in order to have it come to the USA. It’s only a 1-2 month period, not very long.
Played Witcher 3 twice, once at launch and once about a year ago. I had 0 problems with the original release, and I’ve clocked in over 250 hours in the game.
I hope this can start becoming a standard in places such as the Bay Area. Just feels like I am working all the time :(. Software dev, not games.
Something is off here. My cousin works in Bristol airport (1.5 hrs away from London) and earns 50k+ pounds a year, and he is just working at a restaurant inside the airport. Something is very wrong if these individuals are only earning 16k pounds a year. Riot games here offers roughly 77k/year for QA. But if you were…
I guess I really didn’t pick up on these things. Boba Fett was sabotaged by the Pike syndicate along with the other Lords of the planet. The show is leading us to judge Boba Fett as more than a bounty hunter, but a man who has a heart of gold and a decent human being. He trust people when they give him their word, and…
25k/year for a QA Dev???? That shit will easily make you 120k+/year here in the Bay Area. My bonuses are higher than that as a software engineer. Jesus, time to find another job guys. You don’t have to switch careers, just to another video game company. If the video game industry is too cyclical, time to switch to a…
Don’t understand why people hated the finale, I thought it was pretty cool to have all the different parties come together and collaborate.
Dave Chappelle: I am very vocal about inclusivity and equal opportunity...... only when it’s convenient and applicable to me!
Ford: Just get it out the door, we’ll fix the crap later on.
Chrono Trigger is my favorite video game of all, and Chrono Cross is pretty damn good. However, this looks very similar to the PS1 original, what exactly is remastered? Disabling random encounters + enhanced sound track isn’t enough to get people to play it again.
It’s funny how they react when black people are fighting for their rights and get classified as “criminals”, vs them not wanting to be vaccinated and getting classified as “protestors”.
Yeah, I have to fight a lot of stereotypes in order to drive one lol.
“Triple-Turn-Signal” in BMWs. 3 signals is not nearly enough times to let other drivers know what action you are going to commit and for them to react.
Learn from my mistakes and don’t buy a gaming chair. I bought a Maxnomic Need for Seat Pro, for roughly $500 including shipping and taxes. 2 years later, the PU leather is falling apart and the cylinder had to be replaced. I’ll be looking to buy a Herman Miller Aeron in the near future.
Learn from my mistakes and don’t buy a gaming chair. I bought a Maxnomic Need for Seat Pro, for roughly $500…