
I would totally watch an MCU movie where Tony Stark, et al., ended every scene with a smouldering look into the camera and the announcement “oh, and, by the way - I’m not straight.”

Reminds when ppl applauded Disney for turning Lefou into Smithers in the live action Beauty and the Beast.

Ah I see. Thanks for answering my question regarding this site being a ‘celebration of pop culture’. Clearly, at least in your opinion, child molestation and abuse is a ‘celebration of pop culture’, or perhaps I should just give you the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to reading comprehension issues on your

Does anyone remember a time when this site used to be a celebration of pop culture and the people who provide it?

It’s getting harder and harder to avoid the people who aggressively bully the fanbase over the small percentage of idiots.

Unfortunately, this cereal box is based on the vilified and disproven theories of William Shockley regarding the genetic inferiority of brown corn versus lighter corn. IIRC, Shockley states that moral weaknesses inherent in the endosperm of brown corn makes them suitable only for work in lower-level occupations.

Despite the many faults of the worst elements of its fanbase, Rick And Morty is a brilliant TV show,

Joshua Alston was doing them. He’s pretty good, but always reviews shows late, even when a screener is available. Then he disappeared for a couple weeks, wrote a weeks-old review and mentioned being sick. Then there were no more reviews for another week or two. Instead of explaining any of this, they just kept

Er... come again?

Yep. Matt Damon loves sexual predators. Run with that argument, you don’t seem unhinged at all.

Yes. In the context of all the stories about gender, diversity and intersectional issues we deal with every single day - and the growing political threat we see at all times - Damon’s gaffe from a year ago that he apologized for almost immediately is quite minor.

Enabling? Give me a fucking break. What the fuck’s wrong with you?

How about we dispense with guilt by association now, it really makes me regret frequenting this website, that initial accusations of a certain kind are often held up to a higher standard than reality, or any plausible alternative. So the guy says he’s got four daughters, and can’t stomach the thought of sexual assault

That’s not what he said, the author of the article is just pulling the usual Gawker outrage crap. Damon’s full quote was:

That’s kind of where I am. It’s starting to feel like a witch hunt atmosphere instead of one where people are actively looking for solutions.

Yeah, the whole “he didn’t condemn sexual assault in the terms I wanted him to!” attitude needs to stop. It’s so counterproductive.

“In a seemingly unnecessary justification,...”

See that’s exactly how I read it.

The headline would have been funnier with one word missing: “Matt Damon denies trying to kill Harvey Weinstein in 2004"

All we know for certain is that Matt Damon has not denied trying to kill Harvey Weinstein.