
There’s actually no such thing as anything, just things and other things. 

It was a style of animation developed to convey the feeling of living under the collapsing Soviet Union. Apparently it was also well-suited to the feeling of being a confused, helpless baby.

Drugs were pretty important to that album. Without cocaine how would he have contacted those demons?

Oh yeah, I’m totally scaremongering dude.

Weed is a low-grade psychedelic, dude. If you’ve never experienced some light hallucinations you’re missing out, the closed-eye visuals are the best part of the damn thing.

I was really upset when I heard Harvey Firestein was a rapist, but it turns out he and this other guy aren’t actually the same person.

Why is this an AV Club article?

What difference does that make? They still spent over a whole season on him and decided to pull back when it was burning itself out. I’m not going to defend every political view or creative choice on South Park, but they sure as hell “took him on” as a target.

Damn, Bogleech on the AV Club? Scythemantis has really made it.

I’m not entirely sure to be honest. I’ve only used it for a little while.

Yeah, I can't really complain about Trump doing it when I did the same thing yesterday. Who has time to cut up one of those box things?

The human race is getting more neotenous with each generation. Soon we'll all be spinning our fidgets, living underground in astroturf teletubby domes.

I'm just disagreeing with you, dude. If you were joking I apologize, intent is hard to read over text. I see a lot of people suggesting it was some sort of deliberate fake which seems a little much to me.

Out of millions of weird little kids in this country, one becomes a bit fixated on the most talked-about person of our time. Is that difficult to believe?

I feel like a lot of furries are processing something about their childhood (cartoon animals, soft toys, etc) so a bit of infantilization seems par for the course. Blame Disney for burning this into the minds of generations of children:

Yeah well maybe if it weren't for Jar Jar Binks, racism would have solved itself by now ??

I read partnering and my mind immediately went to romance. I must have forgotten about that classic Zukang ship.

It's my first day!