
What language are we typing in here, Latin?

There's a nihilistic, sort of post-ironic cult that's sprung up on 4chan recently centering around Pepe the Frog, who has become identified with Kek, the frog-headed Egyptian god of chaos. ("KEK" is originally a transliteration of "LOL" from World of Warcraft, I believe.) Here's some additional info on the phenomenon:

Yeah, uh… I sure hope so.

Kek reigns

Yeah, but a lot of people DO get their news from social media feeds. It's a big systemic issue.

I got more of a "Steven Spielberg" feel out of the costume.

I don't think it's casting judgment to lament how little time people spend undistracted these days. All the best things in my life have evolved out of those little moments of boredom, which I now feel compelled to fill with pointless noise because of my tech addiction.

Not exactly sexist. Anyways, she looks good with her hair down; I think she should wear it that way more often.

I'd say at the very least it's a movie where his "talking to himself" acting style is appropriate.

I mean, her mother died because she lacked a will to live. There's precedent in that family.

Based on leaked images from a year ago it looks like there's a scene at some kind of black-tie space casino, or cruise ship or something. Already sounds more inventive to me than TFA, so I'm pretty optimistic.

They're bad albums, but they are interesting through the lens of watching a great artist dealing with a lack of creative vitality. "Dancing with the Big Boys," "Borneo," "Shining Star" and "Glass Spider" are essential listening, IMO, for any listener who wants to understand what makes Bowie tick—they're bad but in

"Heathen" has always been essential listening to me for its drama and the futuristic grandeur of its production; "Reality" is comparatively stripped-down and unpolished, but a solid followup. I like those two a lot because they seem to be the product of an older Bowie who's reached a point where he's comfortable and

Maybe they're not airtight, or don't have integrated pressure suits, or something like that. Maybe they're just made of cheaper materials. Fact is, there are plenty of reasons I could come up with that would justify the existence of a limited, atmosphere-bound craft, so I'm perfectly fine accepting that one of them is

Maybe they're just cheaper to make. Like, why have a skyhopper that's limited to the atmosphere when you could just fly around Tatooine in an X-Wing? $$$$

I mean, Scarif is a well-funded, fully-established imperial base, whereas the troopers on Tatooine in ANH just happened to be flying by and are probably using whatever default equipment they had in the Star Destroyer storage room. I don't see anything inconsistent about a base having more specialized resources than a

None of this information is remotely necessary for enjoying the movie.

I mean, this is pretty funny: I saw it long before I had heard of this controversy and I'm not changing my opinion on it now.

I mean, unless he was masturbating with the sound muted, the kiddie porn probably had audio that was distinctly… kiddie. That could be the evidence.

Because people have a perverse fondness for him? I don't think this article is terribly negative towards him, it just gives a picture of what his impact on pop culture has been.