
Yea, the extremely unforgiving harsh moralistic tone of the news pieces would maybe go down a little smoother if cheap cynical cash grab pieces like this didn’t consistently put the whole site under a neon flashing “Hypocrisy” sign.

I will forever defend the Columbus movies. They’re faithful adaptations that don’t do much more (partially because the kid actors just haven’t come into their own, and also because the source material hadn’t yet matured past basic kid’s fantasy as well), but the thing they do that the back half of the film series just

Apparently your original title was “Cool jock Ethan Hawke shoves superhero movies into a locker,” and I honestly couldn’t find a less apt comparison if I tried.

I don’t see how someone can legitimately argue that your average John Wayne western is better than Logan.”

This is Bad Kinja. 

God you people are so easily offended. What Hawke said is mostly valid. You all do realize that making something like Logan (regardless of your feelings about the movie) is essentially propaganda for the very existence of superhero movies. It’s basically a feature length response to most criticism leveled at superhero

He’s right. The comic book movie thing is ruining the film industry. Nothing but formula reboots and sequels following the same pattern that pleases the flyover dummies and the manchild nerds. Movie theaters are not the place to find anything even remotely artistic anymore. Just bullet points being checked off over

Gee, it’s almost like you read his words in their proper context!

It’s all subjective of course, but I agree with Hawke.

I think what he’s getting at is just that a lot of mediocrity these days gets a lot of attention and that treating certain kinds of movies like they’re high art kind of has its limits. Logan, for example, gets all kinds of credit for being more thoughtful than the likes of Thor 2 but it’s far from the very best that

Well that’s good news for your existence. Get over yourself. Matter of life or death. Must be hard to type with the sanctimony dripping on your screen.

So, to answer Laura’s question... nothing. You’ve done nothing. 

Or people just find Get Out a good comparative measure to the themes and as a work of satire and you just invented a strawman to be mad about to feel good about yourself.

Astounded that no one has mentioned David Bowie’s Station to Station, a.k.a. the album he has claimed he doesn’t remember making because of the mountain of coke he was doing.

I’m unconvinced.

“It has, uh, come to light that I have, uh, I have done a bunch, well, I’ve done a bunch of, uh, of raping. Today, uh, I, uh, stand before you, the American people, to, uh, tell you that the rumors are true. And also that I’m from Kenya.” ~ President Obama

Nope, taking advantage of someone who is not in a position to consent is always 100% wrong. But saying Takei drugged him is a separate offense..

Then why do you keep talking about him?

While I get what you’re saying, I actually think those parts are important. He’s recognizing the power imbalance that allowed these situations to happen and be swept under the rug. He’s displaying a level of self awareness that Weinstein, Toback, Spacey etc. lack.

1. “It was a relief when Bill accepts this; after all the progress he had made, it would have been brutal to watch him embarrass himself”

Imagine you’re watching a nature documentary about an old gorilla that can’t deal with some complication in its life. Extend this aging human critter an ounce of the same