
the Scooby-Doo knockoff pet dog

Yeah, this was my fear when the redesign first went up: Turning the site into a constant stream of content, instead of keeping longer articles up for the full day. This format encourages quick hit clickbaits, such as Newswire or Great Job, Internet, instead of regular full length columns, such as History of Violence.

As a white man, let me assure you that I have never wanted a woman to watch me masturbate. I don’t even ever want to watch myself masturbate. Harvey Weinstein’s proclivities seem pretty uniquely creepy.

I was sadly thinking the same thing. “History of Violence” will be over by December, and we’ll be left with stories like this, which are akin to a grade-school student rehashing plot in a book report. There is little original content being generated here anymore. Say what you will about TMZ, but they actually have

For god’s sake, it would make so much of a difference just to have a Recent Articles page again. It was extraordinarily convenient before the switch, and now that nothing on the front page has any permanence it’s completely necessary. Seriously, the only things raised to the featured articles on the top are the

It isn’t though, it’s a western cartoon that mimics the style. That’s not an indicator of quality, it’s better than a lot of ‘real’ anime, just think it’s worth mentioning that you shouldn’t judge a medium based on something only tangentially related to it.

My dad is a CHRISTIAN, which means he jerks off to THE DARN BIBLE, not this filth.

Before Hef, no one gave a damn about naked women. In fact, they were considered a nuisance at the best of times.

Yeah, sure the alt-right doesnt perfectly square with libertarianism, but libertarianism doesnt perfectly square with itself—what about personal liberties infringed upon by the employer, in a society where you have to work or starve?

The alt-right is basically about being an alienated white male in a declining

Surprised the reviews didn’t mention his very weird comments about The Holocaust, that was probably the biggest laughs/most awkwardness for me.

Similar to how to the toys will be sold at a reduced price to creepy collectors and Russian fetishists, so will the kids

On the old site, it was possible to navigate from a review for one episode of a series to the review for either the previous or the next episode. Is there any chance this feature could be restored?

A relatively small annoyance, but trying to click through to responses on old (pre-Kinja) comments from notifications results in dead links. It just links to the article. For old articles with ~1000 comments, it becomes pretty tedious to try to hunt down the response to your comment.

Design matters. There are fewer comments because Kinja commenting lends itself to short-form threads and hate posting, as seen by the influx of users from the other sites.

That’s the thing though. Has there been an accusation? From what I understand Gawker ran a blind item and implied it was about Louis — but even in that original post they didn’t actually know. The comedians who made the complaint specifically clarified it wasn’t about Louis....

Having an episode about the allegations that Louis CK forces women to watch him masturbate, in a show Louis CK himself produces, kind of sounds like something Louis CK would do.

Did you guys know that Louis CK is rumored to masturbate in front of women comics? Nobody has actually accused Louis CK, and at least one prominent woman comic has stated that the allegations aren’t about him, but Gawker ran a blind item and then turned guesses into indictments, so it must be true. If you can’t trust

Why the fuck would they not be scared of muslim extremists when they did the Mohammad episode and be scared douchebag, white-bred alt-right losers? Your logic sucks.

Its not just Kinja. Disqus was full of morons foaming at the mouth over a cartoon show as well.

“I’m not saying it’s necessarily because T&M are scared of the alt-right fanbase they’ve cultivated, but it’s hard to think of another explanation. At least there’s some poetic justice there.”