
I assumed that this all took place before she was arrested. She trespassed onto someone's property at the end, right?

Just curious, as a fellow artist—do you post your art anywhere? (Also, is that Aegishjalmur in your avatar?)

Frankly I've never understood why sucking a dick is considered submissive. If someone has my dick in their mouth, they're definitely the one in a place of power.

Damn, she is a sexual predator. You just made me realize that I've been enjoying her character this whole season because of how charismatic she is, whereas I've been struggling with the Coates storyline because I just can't tolerate Tucky forgiving him. I never related the two to each other, but now I feel like I need

Wait, who's the hot guard?

I see what you mean, but if they had branded her in an impossible-to-cover-up place it might have attracted the attention of the guards. (Not that the guards are heroes or anything, but they would probably notice if their blonde community carer girl suddenly turned up with a mangled face after snitching on the

Stella really is baffling. Her inclusion felt more like stunt casting than anything else, which is weird for a show that's usually so deliberate in its plotting.

Oh, I get you now. Thought those were two separate thoughts in your first post.

I get what you mean, but I imagine a black girl in a prison setting converting to Judaism would probably get a lot of shit for it from her friends. I mean, I would get a lot of shit for it and I'm not even a black girl in a prison setting.

"It's an endless nothing"

Nah, gotta go for the first "Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla" before "Terror of Mechagodzilla." He needs to see King Seesar.

I considered not bothering with season 4 because I thought season 3 was so mediocre, but I just finished the finale ten minutes ago and godDAMN it's a hell of a season.

…are you criticizing child-Healy for wanting his mom to take care of him?

I appreciate it, but I'm only a few episodes in. If I go there, *I* get spoiled.

Damn, I wish the AV Club would post all the reviews at once. I can never watch just one episode in a sitting, so I know I'm gonna be reading the review for episode 5 when I've already finished the series.

Oh shit, I forgot about that Pennsatucky storyline.

I've never watched Steven Universe, but I adore some of her early shorts. I'd love to see more stuff like this:

If we're talking about lighting, I gotta go with TOS. Now THAT is a bright, comfortably lit environment. Even if there's occasionally a weird pink fill light or whatever—it was the 60s.