
♬ Don't want to be alive, when you're twenty… six. ♬

Agreed about Chris Brown. "Waves" is so pretty, I try to stop the mental dissonance by pretending that Kanye just has a really good singing voice for that one track.

For real, this is some weird-ass cargo cult shit. Great job, internet.

Of course. Passively noncommittal is the best attitude to have toward franchise blockbusters.

I've thought a lot about how TFA could have felt less derivative, and I'm convinced there's one change that could have made the whole thing fresh: change Jakku to a tropical ocean planet instead of a desert. Rey could zoom around on her speeder between islets, and scavenge among the star destroyers that jut out of the

Too cold and sterile! Where's the heart?

The old general store by my house used to sell it in glass bottles. It didn't taste good to me at first, but it really grows on you once you get used to the flavor.

Will every show from here on out be a reboot of an older show?

Well it's a prequel, so he could just be replaced with a hot, chiseled youth. Maybe one of those Hunger Games kids.

I wasn't necessarily agreeing with you until I googled and saw what Marissa Tomei looks like these days. She is WAY too attractive to be Aunt May.

I think lying in that situation is pretty hard even for a pro like Jimmy. He doesn't view Chuck as a mark, he views him as an older brother who he still looks up to on some level.

Plus, it makes sense for Ernesto+Chuck to wait til night to look, so they can find the graveyard shift employees who would have encountered Jimmy, and not the daytime ones.

She looks 14 to you?

Ah man. Yeah, you should watch it.

I'm not saying it WAS a con, just that had the feel of a con. Those lines and the way they were delivered could just as easily have come out of Jimmy's mouth.

I'm surprised I haven't seen comments on this, but Chuck's speech to Mesa Verde felt right out of Jimmy's playbook. It was technically legitimate, but it had the feel of a con. It's easy to forget that there any similarities between the brothers until something like this happens.

Huh. Somehow I conflated them and thought they WERE the Skateboard Brothers.

Fucking hell, man. You should sleep more often, you're good at it.

Those post-it notes were so distinctive it got me thinking that we're supposed to remember them. I was terrified that Jimmy would forget or drop one of them in the folder, with his handwriting on it.

You know, some of Maul's points made a lot of sense to me. I guess I know now that I'd make a really terrible Jedi.