
Dude! Mine's Lucky Sycamore!

True, though I think that some younger guys especially are more willing to give complements to each other. It tends to be couched in humor, however.

Aww man. I love this guy.

It's one of those books where I had to read several hundred pages in one sitting or I knew I'd lose track of what was going on. You can't just pick it up, read for five minutes, and set it down for later.

I want to play "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" for everyone who thinks Kanye is talentless. "Yeezus" doesn't appeal to everyone because it's so harsh, but it's hard to deny that MBDTF is pretty as hell.

Honestly, though. Wouldn't it be great if The Simpsons gradually evolved into an alienating, avant-garde art cartoon? I would be so on board for that.

The Simpsons is so deep into its run, I don't understand how every new episode ISN'T an experimental deconstruction of what it means to be a cartoon. There's not much else left to do at this point.

not anymore, asshole

Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're supposed to read it that way: 13 songs, plus 4 bonus tracks. I don't know why people aren't bringing that up more.

I thought the same thing initially when I saw his memories were coming back, but in reality: do I really want Stan to be a vegetable? Nah. That would blow.

wolves sounds like a really sad version of "good morning"

Speaking as a big Kanye fan, that would actually be a great album title.

â€ĶI see what you did

Definitely. TOS was colorful, funny, and full of sex and drunkenness. The later series were always too beige for my tastes.

I just wanted more of Michael Fassbender's severed head as a main character.

Oh, calm yourself.

As much as I love Gravity Falls, I'm deeply frustrated by Soos. He can be a solid character at times (when the writers let him), but mostly he sucks up all the tension from any scenes he's in.

This is a great selection of songs, but I think the cuts could be a lot deeper. Here are some of the deepest I know of ———

It really is a very sweet touch.

It's gotta be the live version of "Stay," though. I didn't think it was possible, but it absolutely crushes the album version: