
They really ought to name a black hole after him. He's not a white star, heeeee's a blackstar.

He also believed that witches were trying to steal his semen to create the Antichrist around that time. I'm willing to give it a pass.

Nah, own that self-esteem. It's what the Bowie would want.

Give this a read. It's a recollection from a parallel universe where Bowie stayed in LA instead of going to Berlin to get clean. (The blog it's from is also one of the best works of music criticism I've ever read.)

Read this while listening to Five Years. Chills.

Good for you. But listen to the song, it's very nice.

Have you really not listened to Kanye once? Go play "Roses" and tell me that's not a gorgeous, poignant song.

I say buy it now. It'll only be that much more intense.

I feel like I'm dreaming too.

Holy fuck. I just watched the Lazarus video in response to this news, and my hands are shaking. Only Bowie would turn his own imminent death into a piece of performance art.

Reminds me of the soundtrack to "The Neverending Story."

Can someone explain to me what a stride mother is

I'd put Lodger up there among my favorite Bowie albums. Honestly, if it just had a visually striking cover of Bowie's face like the other two Berlin albums, I think people might not brush it off so easily.

Buddha of Suburbia has "Untitled No. 1," though. That's one of his most gorgeous deep cuts, IMO.

Gotta end on Subterraneans, though. That warm synthy bass is orgasmic.

Really! I was wondering about that.

13th Night, if you're Icelandic.

Yeah, I couldn't really bring myself to call it bad, because I actually enjoy it. Definitely absurd, though.

I nominate "I Just Want to See His Face" by the Stones. That song is pure murk.