Gumby Brain Specialist

Good lord, has this site become just about unbearable. Sean O’Neal is rolling over in his grave. Or perhaps his comfortable bed. I don’t know where he is now or in which time zone. Nonetheless, he can’t be pleased.

It’ll be the first movie presented entirely as a slideshow.

I think Ed is a terrible person but a fascinating one who sometimes stumbles into doing the right thing (not always for the right reason), and as a result constantly ends up the footnote in history for other people’s moments. He followed orders on Apollo 10 and didn’t land when he considered that he could, and then

RIP AVClub. You were a walking corpse for several years now.

RIP AVClub.  You were a walking corpse for several years now.

Mixing up countries in addressing someone is different than using an anachronistic term that denotes gender bias in the first place to someone who is significantly more qualified than the title uttered to speak about the literal hearing she is sitting in where she will be providing her expertise and information.

Stick with me here... The malice isn’t in the intent, but in the ignorance of the assumption.

Have you never heard of Karl Wallenda?

Allegedly a British actor, and yet he never appeared on Doctor Who. Strange

Why no Steve Lawrence eulogy? 

This would simplify the process of deciding where to eat.

Sir... this is an Arbys. 

I love how ChatAVC decided just to stop writing this article midstream. Like “Yeah, I’m going back to plotting humanity’s demise, I can’t be bothered with this show anymore.”

Thanks.  I generally refrain from commenting on the ratcheting laziness of AVC writers but an article about a trailer without the trailer is truly something.

Logging in after 5 years to say that this is the most embarrassing thing I’ve read on this site. A once great site full of Dawes memes has been reduced to this. How shameful.

Like I’m not saying that if I had two hundred million dollars or whatever that’s the show I would make, but it was kinda fun. I thought Ruby Cruz was quite good.

What cowardly bullshit it is to not even ascribe this article to the author’s feed. Especially when one of the most recent articles is this:

The fact that Scorsese can give a career-spanning interview in advance of a new, genuinely-exciting project, and outlets like the avclub only see fit to generate a couple thousand words dunking on his ambivalence towards superhero movies really proves his point about superhero movies.

I know this place isn't a hivemind, but saying the Irishman is a snore and linking to a review that gave it an A minus is certainly something.