Gumby Brain Specialist

Not Marvel or DC, nor a superhero, or even part of the comics conversation for decades, but I keep beating the drum for this being the perfect vehicle for Jon Hamm:

Yup, although I somewhat enjoyed it, it felt like a Joe Dante movie staged for the camera like an Afterschool Special.

And to be fair it’s kind of a weird teaser, so I understand the response to it. Or maybe the guy in the greys is right, it’s not legit. At any rate, I like Sean Baker’s movies.

This feels very much like Sean Baker’s wheelhouse, a bittersweet and humane look at life in America’s fringes. Two of his earlier films The Florida Project and Red Rocket are both worth a watch (I really liked Tangerine as well, but it’s a little less structured and not the best gateway to his work). Baker’s win and

Six seasons and a maybe.

Great minds, etc.

Howard Shore (Lighthouse, The Saturday Night Live Band) - The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Vangelis (Aphrodite’s Child, solo musician) - Blade Runner
Cliff Martinez (Red Hot Chili Peppers, Captain Beefheart) - Drive or any number of Steven Soderbergh scores

More a composite sketch of a narrowly-defined subset.

Ooh, is the premise about how a writer of longer-form movie and TV criticism and cultural commentary gets beaten down year after year under capricious company ownership until they’re finally laid off after refusing to move cross-country to maintain their employment, and how they subsequently eke out a living via

Flying into the cosmic night. RIP.

He did the other thing.

If I got Karl Wallinger’s first name mixed up with Karl Wallenda’s, we wouldn’t even be here now! Just like Karl Wallinger’s obit! Karl Wallinger, of The Waterboys and World Party and The Flying Wallingers fame! Shit, wait.

Fuck, “Karl,” not “Kurt.” I mentally transposed “Karl Wallinger” and “Kurt Waldheim,” which really, nobody in arguable possession of their faculties should be doing.

Or Kurt Wallinger? Or Terence Davies? Or, hell, even Deadspin? (Well, at least I know the answer to that one, but still.)

So, it’s one thing if I pick up a meal for myself, but if I’m buying for a family of four and cannot reasonably predict how much that’s going to cost depending on the surge pricing variance... that’s looney tunes, especially considering where restaurant pricing is now already.

I believe you’re thinking of the Surveyor program, which had a good success rate (five landings, two failures, and stuck the landing on the first go). The preceding Ranger series was intended to crash into the moon after getting close-up photographs, when the spacecraft worked properly.

It should have gone to Trumbull, Con Pederson, Wally Veevers, and Tom Howard (as supervisors of a mainly uncredited team, per convention of the day), but this too raises an interesting point: who we choose to honour with even a nomination puts them into a historical record. As Trumbull became the closest to a “name”

newcomer director Ridley Scott”

Pretty much sounds like we’re in agreement then.