Gumby Brain Specialist

Why, Mister Hilter’s standing as the National Bocialist candidate in the North Minehead by-election. He’s got wonderful plans for Minehead.

Hasbro has been wanting to do a Shared Cinematic Universe thing for its toy lines for years. It’s why there’s been nary a peep about any possible deals between Hasbro and Marvel to fold Micronauts into the MCU: Hasbro wants to keep it for their use.

Never heard of a personal assistant referred to as a PA on a film set. PAs tend to be multi-departmental (unless specifically attached to a department, ex. “locations PA”) and are deployed by the assistant director team, whereas a personal assistant is beholden to one - a star, producer, or director - and is


Did not know until recently that the brilliantly funny John Finnemore - a talent who SHOULD be more widely known outside of England by now - is an exec producer and writer on S2, so now I’m doubly stoked for this.

“Hey you kids, stop running across my damn blades!”

*pushes up glasses*

Parker Bros.’ The Empire Strikes Back for the 2600 is still a banger.

*pushes up glasses*

The child-devouring ghost of David Susskind.

Oddly enough, my cousin is married to Mike Mills. I see her only about once every 10 years so I don’t consider this a close familial connection or anything, but this is the closest I’ve come to having some sort of interesting celebrity story so I gotta roll with it.

Well, wait’ll you see who Carl’s date turns out to be!

I was gonna say Matt Weiner’s The Romanoffs meeets Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future, but I think both feel like the throes of a nasty hangover settling in

The AV Club’s antipathy toward jazz has been long-standing, unfortunately. A weak spot even in the salad days.

A computer programmer is inserted into a video game and forced to battle to the death by the Master Control Program which takes on a mind of its own. The system comes alive, developing its own feelings, thoughts, and personalities.

Yes, the word “delightful” is the furthest thing from what I would use to describe A.I.

And I’m absolutely convinced the AV Club would have just as happily snarked their way through “Academy president fails to address open-palmed elephant in room at Oscar Nominees Luncheon” if Yang didn’t bring it up. It’s a win-win!


It’s not so much fuzzy as it is a pain to track, but it is quantifiable. You can track the spends for material costs, rentals, accommodation, etc. on a comparison basis against a jurisdiction without incentives, and the multipliers are generally consistent (economic impact studies typically have the multipliers in the

Ah, good ol’ legend of stage and screen, Rita Lorena.