Gumby Brain Specialist

Benoit Blanc? Charlie Cale? Is a Rian Johnson-led revival of Deputy Dawg not far behind?

Off the top of my head:


Or as Tony Levin in my King Crimson action figure set.

I now entirely believe that all of these awards – even the SAGs – have become about who dominates “the conversation” at voting time, because the only rational explanation I can figure to Rhea Seehorn not being nominated is that the only time her name enters “the conversation” is when she’s perpetually overlooked

Not nitpicky at all. The old AV Club knew their shit, and had the editors to correct it if required. Also could cite the phrase “mise-en-scène” without Pavlovian snarkback.

Dial D for Destiny

Same boat: I’m in a mid-sized Canadian city and to the best of my knowledge this is the first Spielberg movie that hasn’t started here on its general opening weekend since, I dunno, Close Encounters of the Third Kind (and that was because the theatre scheduled to run it burned down). Absolutely mind-blowing to me, and

I feel like people who are paid to be pop culture writers should have at least some deeper knowledge of TV’s past than your average person that age. Like I wouldn’t trust a film critic who’d never seen a silent movie.

It’s a generational cliff now; not much tracks in popular culture here pre-1990 unless it’s a visible-from-all-corners mountain. Hell, in the pre-Kinja AV Club, there was a generational divide between the site writers and the commentariat about WKRP and the Thanksgiving episode, and that was back in 2013:

2012's Avatar > 2009's Avatar

The last shot in next week’s episode will be the prisoners crating them up Raiders-style, and as they slam on the lid a stencil is dramatically revealed: “POWER CONVERTERS FOR TOSCHE STATION, TATOOINE.”

Tanner ‘88?

A playwright second only to Sackespeare.

There’s a massive deep dive a researcher could take on with 1980s Canadian comedy/improv groups and troupesThree Dead Trolls in a Baggie, Corky and the Juice Pigs, CODCO, the Saskatoon Soaps, Loose Moose Theatre... in hindsight, it’s a little surprising that there weren’t more breakout successes from that period

“My mama never raised no rodents! I’m a talpidae!”

Apropos to age, I remember first seeing McCarthy in Four on the Floor, and that’s a cultural reference that by now most Canadians - let alone Americans - will absolutely not know.

This is where the not-oft-experienced cultural divide between Canada and the USA kicks in, because Sheila McCarthy is a “that person!” character actor who is probably best known to Canadian cineasts as the lead of the Toronto New Wave feature I’ve Heard the Mermaids Singing (coincidentally, currently streaming on the

And also known for some damn thing or other called SCTV.