Gumby Brain Specialist

I’ll tell ya what it is, he’s got that BDE. Big De Niro Energy.

Re Eugene Cernan: without seeing this episode, I’m guessing that in this timeline Cernan tossed a football on the Moon instead of Alan Shepard driving golf balls on Apollo 14 (although Cernan did play varsity football).

If push came to shove, the Criterion Channel is likely the last streaming service I’d cancel. Its catalogue isn’t as extensive as the larger services, but for what I like it probably has the best wheat-to-chaff ratio out of all of them. I think the challenge for them will be broadening their content over the long

Been there, done that.

Tune in to meet Andor of Andoria in Star Trek: Andor!

The tracking number of the “sprayer” crate is 1968-AE35, which is a fun “2001" in-jokey reference.

Gonna take a wild guess that as Bill Murray has a career span comparable to Douglas’ and Pfeiffer’s - plus the onscreen reference materials to match - he’s playing some sort of contemporary to their characters and also appears in de-aged flashback.

I’m guessing the lingering views of the Mars-94 nuclear engine assembly that Sylvie was recording will also be part of Margo’s undoing.

[AV Club writer], who is usually so agreeable, thinks [blank] is a [“]terrible idea[”]

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A good list! As always, there are inclusions and exclusions subject to personal taste, but I think it a missed opportunity to not include the track that, like Stranger Things, is strongly influenced by Stephen King:

I said to the missus during S1 of Russian Doll that someone should build some kind of Columbo revival around Lyonne, and the photograph of Peter Falk in her character’s apartment in S2 told me I wasn’t the only one thinking this.

I love Soil Festivities and Mask (and if I’m positively citing Beaubourg, you better believe I also dig Invisible Connections). But I do clearly remember them not being as acclaimed on initial release as his earlier period: Soil Festivities was thought of at the time as being his “sell-out” New Age album. But I agree,

His run from 1975 to 1983 is unassailable (yes, even Beaubourg). Truly an original, who made the Yamaha CS80 forever HIS sound. Can’t think of many artists who so successfully made a career out of steering wildly from pop-appeal accessibility to die-hard experimentation. Hopefully his estate puts out at least some of

The great thing about this repeated typo is that I can actually picture Dave Foley having such a deranged, reflexive series of responses in an interview.

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His first major exposure to American audiences was when NBC broadcast the Canadian miniseries Love and Hate: The Story of Colin and JoAnne Thatcher (aka A Marriage Made in Hell) in 1990, his performance here likely being a strong factor in being cast for Twin Peaks.

Take my star... please.

You know, The Goldbergs turned into Rabbits so gradually I didn’t even notice.