
Yeah, I lost my A-team to the Wizened Hag last night. Caused a fit of rage that may have caused the deletion of that manor and the creation of an all-new one.

A storm. Dammit.

The common thought is that he's complimenting YOUR swords. I prefer the idea that he's delusional, and thinks he can actually craft swords. I don't know if the swords look like armor, and I honestly don't care.

Well, I finally slaughtered enough Cactuars to hit level 120 and obtain every skill that costs less than 999 AP in Final Fantasy XV, so I think that is going to be on the back-burner until the next timed hunt/DLC arrives. It was a lot of warp-striking, but much more fun than I thought it would be. The game continues

Top notch swords!

I had a running rule in W3: if someone was a horrible person in dialogue, I attempted to kill them after said dialogue.

You could. Just get the information from the Eternal Fire guy, and then pull out your sword after your conversations are over, and kill him. You win his poker as loot.

From what I read in the Kotaku review, there is a tower to climb. But it's a moving dinosaur tower instead of a tower tower.

Oh Sweet Netty, the forgotten heroine of The Witcher 3.

I don’t get the problems with leveling up? I found it quite easy to level up to 99 using campsites and motels only (along with the required hotel stays, of course). I don’t believe it is necessary to bank up for hotels to level up quickly.

That being said, an option to use experience or not at any stop would be nice.

This is in the beta for 4.50, which starts testing today. I got an invite for this, so I'll be sure to report if anything else nifty is in there.

I just received an email letting me know I was selected for the PSN 4.50 Beta, so I suppose I'll have to play games all weekend in the name of testing, of course.

Possible, there was already a quest in game involving those….but I don't know if that fact makes it more or less likely to happen.

If they speed through, sure.

I'm averaging 200 hours per play (actually, it might be a little higher than this, because I think I'm close to hitting 1000 total hours, I'll have to check), and i'm finishing the base game on the fourth, still have the expansions for the fourth time through. So it is easily possible.

There was a Noctis-exclusive sniper rifle you could find, but yeah, stealing enemy weapons when you were in stasis (or something) might have been a nice touch.

Don't know how to do the spoiler tags, but the villain in question waits because they have to wait for the crystal to choose a king, and the crystal needs motivation to choose a king, or is super picky (one of those, can't remember)….I hope that was non-spoilery enough.

THAT’S IT!!!!!

Yes, I've surprised myself by holding off on showing them that they do not have the only viable build with Griffin armor. Real life and all that jazz has gotten in the way, ha.

No, I'm just letting myself get wrapped up in some idiot posting about how their build is 'the best' in a PS4 community in an abusive manner. It's totally petty on my end.