
Shut up, asshole


We once had an example of a really shady guy we had to call the cops on and when I called 911 I couldn't even remember our zip code I was so nervous.

Love Richard Price. Freedomland is a great read and of course his work on The Wire.

Many sympathies. My mom is reluctantly having our 14 year old family dog put down today because of a number of ailments. Sad day.

Talk about timing. I just listened to "Enthused" on my way to work this morning.

Nah, I actually think her writing is funny I just wasn't a fan of the delivery. I don't dislike her, she just never blew me away the way others did.

Yeah. Just didn't seem natural.

Yes…yes I am.

I don't know why she never wow-ed me on the show. I think because you can always tell she's reading from a script during the voice-overs or when in the studio.

Truly the '27 Yankees of embarrassing your kids in public. "Dad, please wear a hat when you drop me off at school"

I skip the middle man and go straight to the ball wadding.

"40 year old man still wears faux-hawk. Teenage son unavailable for comment."

I remember before they re-issued Cheshire Cat going to the 2 used record stores we had in our little podunk area and trying to find it every week with no luck.

Just co-signing on Dude Ranch. Grew up in a tiny town, no stop lights, no chain stores, 31 people in my graduating class, middle of nowhere. Everyone was a total redneck except like 4 people and Dude Ranch made me hopeful that I could get out of that place and find more like minded people. Its hard to get access to

That header photo. Oh dear God, that header photo.

I named my fantasy football league "Fantasy Leather Prolate Spheroid"

Yeah its in a big college town so maybe that explains the sheer volume of donated books? Awesome nevertheless because you have no reason not to take your spare change and just buy something because of the cover or because it has a review on the back by a publication that you trust. Adventure reading.

There's a Goodwill near me that has an entire separate building for the books. Dollar hardcovers, fifty cent paperbacks. You really can find some quality stuff there.

Cicerone. Beer guys are called cicerones.