
I’m torn between having many an adult beverage and staying sober so I don’t forget stuff that happens.

As far as the white dude musicians from Michigan slam, I have but one retort: Iggy motherfucking Pop



Can’t wait for the South Park takes

Dear God I hope Xanderpuss didn’t make the switchover to Kinja

I just want you to know, you’re my first Kinja star thing upvote what-have-you

Kids today.

You can ungrey dis dick.

After the Theilening it’s Gizmodo now. Always Gizmodo

Shits being cross posted on deadspin now I see.


2 big things I didn't see mentioned.
1. We see Dark Coop send the "Las Vegas?" text to Diane which she received episodes ago. Another notch in the uneven timeline column.
2. When we see Jumping Man (Finally!) above the convience store, Sarah Palmer's face gets superimposed over his for a second

In what way does that make sense?

I was going to pretend to be CPD and tell him yes, you do have a warrant out…for being a nazi asshole!!

Came here to say this. Can we all prank call this fucking turd?

Sigh. At this point I have no faith that Trump will be removed from office. I just feel like the GOP will fall in line and won't do shit and we'll have to wait until 2020 to be rid of this disgrace.

I don't understand the reference, but I'll fight to the death for your right to make it.

I'm a big fan of "butthole"