
I mean, most of these places are fairly wham-bam affairs.”

Why would you post something publicly if you don't want creeps to watch?


That app is called “learning how to drive.”

Yeah. Like most things, the people are the worst part.

Yeah, but with more make-believe and fairytale bullshit.

1:2:3 is better (coconut, rum, pineapple), no blender, served over ice.

You people are insane.

Bread is not a bird’s natural diet ever”

Obviously it’s better than no activity at all (seems like the default around here), but you’re right. Running is also relativelyenergy efficient” (and cycling more so) compared to many other methods of exercise.

Google Photos does.

So use this tip to find non-reclining seats for yourself. The rest of us will use the seats as they were designed.

There is no moral obligation to keep making more people.

Or don't. 

Any “dumb” appliance with a physical switch that goes straight to work when powered on. Leave it switched on and control power with the smart plug. Good for lamps, fans, electric kettles, etc.

Any “dumb” appliance with a physical switch that goes straight to work when powered on. Leave it switched on and

God: I spent most of the day keeping people in Chicago from freezing”

A two-door version with a longer bed would be fucking awesome. I don't even need a back seat. Give it to me.

HOW LONG IS THE BED? This is a very important question. It needs to be long enough to be actually useful, unlike most other “pickup” versions of non-pickup vehicles.

I had both. These are better.

I had both. These are better.