
I’m not a Halo player, I dont even have an XBox, but Halo would have been my main reason if I had ever bought one. I watched Red vs. Blue, Fails of the Weak and all the Cinematics because I find this game, its universe and mechanics intriguing. But this trailer had me shaking my head the moment they jumped out of that

Too bad the video is seemingly missing a few parts, but none the less very enjoyable, thanks for posting it!

What wait - not a Destiny article?? What happened???

Ask her to sing :). Then ask her again ^^

Great to see the F-100 flying, my favorite airplane!

Let’s send them some good ‘ol McGyver and Baywatch then :)

No matter how much propaganda they will come up with, I’m sure the combined might of Western TV series and cinema will end this regime one day. It’s only so much an impoverished peasant can take before he might actually want a decent life for himself and his children.

Living 60km from the former edge of the iron curtain and just north of the Fulda gap this was all too aware to me as a kid & teen in the 80’s. It was scary and irrational and real when you thought about it, so you best didn’t. It did get me interested in politics though, I was trying to figure out those damn russians

I’m sorry to say, but it’s news like this that make me appreciate all the more my life in a small town in the middle of Germany. Sadly the -ism’s of the world will never get along and I’m (still) far removed from it. My sorrow goes out to the innocents caught in the maelstrom of events, my thanks to those trying to

I’ve never heard of them before, these were all the hype back in ‘85:

The second fly-by gave me goose-bumps, such a cool vid!

Why people cheat? They don’t call it “God-mode” for nothing :)

Meh! I stopped using my spammed outlook account ages ago and went with my spam-free gmail address.

Logic would say yes, but the USAF somehow says no.

The original Rama is great. I’ve never read the rest because I didn’t want to spoil it.

Dangit, CC went from Close Combat to Crowd Control to Climate Change, it’s really tough to keep up with all the changes!

Came to see how a Saxophone is made (sans magic), all I got was stupid live-lesson phrases...

Is the military effective at carrying out its orders?

Snowgoose is such a relevant and simple solution to so many problems that it is somewhat bewildering that it has not already been fielded in larger numbers, especially the CQ-10B model. Then again, it is by no means a glamorous machine. It is a slow, tubby, utilitarian, multi-role tool.

Now playing

No article about the Merlin engine should go without this video: