
A+ for effort,, made it to the 12 minute mark and then got bored, sadly. A bit more focus on the epic stuff and less of the mass brawling might have helped. I also would have liked some top-down shots.

Is anybody really doing anything of real substance against ISIS?

What a great article, always a joy to read your lengthy posts :) Did you even get some family time done over the holidays?

Articles like this are the reason this is the second site I check right after I powered up my PC (1st one being a quick scan of some world news).

This sure does look like that minidoor will need a complete overhaul or at least a lengthy cleaning procedure to get rid of all the soot. I’d hate to be the maintenance guy on that thing :)

Although I find it exhausting to listen to him talk so fast for a hour I really enjoyed his critique, thanks for pointing him out :)

Putin has the West talking to him again, mission accomplished. Why waste precious resources when the minimum does it?

I’d rather keep all the frogs we can, every year they decimate the larvae of the goddamn mosquitoes. They are my heros!

That comment is spot on, you win the internet for today :)

This comment wins the internet.

Always had this in the CD changer in my car, thanks for the memories :)

Played when released up to the raids and stopped when I had no more content to experience and the costumes got more and more silly. That was for me the biggest let-down, these godawful outfits you got for raid tokens. Now I’m just plain uninterested to even consider a return.

You man like the “Dukes of Hazard” where the Sheriff somehow never figured to just go to their ranch and arrest them?

After a few nights, I reached self-sufficiency. I felt like a pretty fucking cool space dude at that point. Like, the kind of space dude that, if he was just walking down the space sidewalk in some random space suburb (spuburb), he’d still turn heads because of the confidence he radiated.

Wow, very cool! thanks for sharing, I’m always fascinated by that closed off little cosmos ships usually are.

Consider me speechless... should I applaud his courage to post this or laugh at him? All I know for certain is that neither do I have the weapons, nor the intention to harm bottles nor the will to post any of it on Youtube.

I grew up in the 80’s 65km from the Iron Curtain, closely following the Pershing II & SS20 discussions. For me the Cold War and the consequences of if going hot was real. We came out intact and alive, but all considered it was a close one.

Not too shabby I dare say :)

Foxit Reader. Free, small footprint and very capable. Been using it for years now.

Wow, that is a great link, I’m even more impressed with Edwards now, that base is HUGE! But what’s up with this?