
Surprising until you remember that paying a relatively small amount to a non-American company won’t do anything to pad out the DoD budgets or stuff pork in a congressman’s pet company. Then it makes sense. Now if we could spend $128million per unit for a machine designed in North Dakota, tested in Florida, pre

The Blue Angels website calls them pilots roughly 300 times and calls them aviators zero times.

“All this would make restarting the F-22 line much easier than similar restarts in the past.”

I don’t think your friends are telling you that “a few bad cops on the force are making their jobs incredibly difficult”. There have ALWAYS been bad cops. Because there have ALWAYS been bad people.

That Minuteman at 7:24 going full Beast Mode, launching himself at the army.

Where’s THAT asshole been when raiders keep kidnapping my settlers?

“These findings are bringing more questions than answers,”

Begun, the Drone War has.

I know he is a busy soul providing us this meat to chew on....I would like for him to write a piece about his average day to understand his research/writing process.

I found her CDL Instructor.....

Is it just me or are people who bitch about beer annoying?

The guy seams annoyingly cocky, if I were Musk I would offer him a contract to implement his tech as long as he takes liability for its safety. No? You don’t want the liability? Then don’t be an ass bad mouthing companies who will.

At least they’d be stealthy that way, most guys can’t find those either.

They’d just cut holes in the floor and crawl out.

There’s TWO people in the world who think it’s a good idea to hack through an aero pan? We should get them in a ring and make them fight.

This glitch and the Deliverer have allowed me to become a silent engine of mortality across the Commonwealth. I am the Omega of all I face. If you see me, you have perished already.

I feel a little better about myself now..

It certainly looks terrible, but I can let you drive something that is very clearly worse as a car next time you are in SF: a 1949 Hudson. No safety features at all, max speed 60. I don't see anything in there about how the car left you stranded, for example.

We're not "entrusting" anyone with anything, we're begging them for a ride because we've driven our own space program into the ground.